30 Great Pinterest Board Ideas to Push You In The Right Direction

Pinterest board ideas.

Pinterest is a popular social media platform for browsing beautiful images, drawing inspiration, and curating ideas. If you're looking to boost your presence on Pinterest, here are 30 Pinterest board ideas to inspire you.

30 Pinterest Board Ideas

Themed boards are a great way to help Pinterest users easily find the information they're looking for. Here are our 30 Pinterest board ideas to increase your views and inspire your Pinterest marketing strategy.

Boards for Design Inspiration

Pinterest is a great place to go for inspiration, particularly design inspiration. Entice your followers by creating a beautiful Pinterest board full of design inspiration.

With more than 10 million followers, Poppytalk dazzles followers with colorful graphics, beautiful photography, and colorful imagery.

Pinterest board ideas

Street Style Boards

If you're someone who's interested in fashion, creating a new board full of street style inspiration is a great way to showcase your talents. Street style boards are popular in big cities. However, Pinterest users are encouraged to create them no matter where they're based.

These grungy and gritty street style board ideas come from Adam Gallagher, an account with more than 15,000 followers.

Personal Growth

From time management tips to a daily mental health round up, there are so many pins you can create on the topic of personal growth.

Check out Personal Growth's account for more Pinterest board ideas on personal development.

Healthy Recipes

Another Pinterest board idea is to niche down the broad topic of recipes to focus solely on healthy recipes. Share your own recipes that are your favorite healthy versions of junk food, desserts, beverages, and more.

The Pinterest account, Happy Healthy Motivated, created these cheery pins with a focus on healthy recipe ideas.


Inspire another Pinterest user to travel with your tourism-focused boards! From domestic to international travel and unique cuisines to monuments, there's a wide variety of boards you can create on the topic of travel.

Polkadot Passport has created a beautiful Pinterest feed centered around travel for her more than 15,000 followers.

Niche Online Business and Blogging Tips

The topic of business is very broad, and there are a variety of Pinterest board ideas you can pull from it. From how to start an online business to how to run a successful blog, choose a topic in the category of business that you're passionate about.

Of course we had to include our own Niche Pursuits Pinterest account! The Niche Pursuits Pinterest account posts about a variety of topics, including Pinterest SEO, content planning tips, how to find relevant keywords, and more.

Pinterest board ideas

Fashion Board

The topic of fashion is very popular on Pinterest. Fashion magazines and blogs post their content on Pinterest in order to draw in a large audience to their online articles.

Pinterest users can now shop directly from the platform. This is great news for creators who offer shoppable products like clothing, jewelry, and more.

With more than 10 million monthly views, this beautiful fashion board comes from Fashion Jackson on Pinterest.

Personal Finance

Personal finance transforms to become interesting, understandable, and engaging on Pinterest. If you're an expert in the area of personal finance, Pinterest can be a great marketing tool for drawing in new clients, website visitors, and social media followers.

This personal finance Pinterest board example comes from Retire by 40, a Pinterest account with more than 60,000 monthly views on the topic of financial independence.

Inspirational Quotes

Posting inspirational quotes on Pinterest is a great way to attract new followers. Someone who might not have found your account otherwise could find you through your inspiration boards. This gives your audience a chance to be introduced to your content, including your content outside of just the inspirational quotes.

Beauty Board

Focusing on the topic of beauty is a great Pinterest board idea because it's such a visual topic. Other boards you could create in the beauty space include perfume, skincare, the best red lipsticks, and more.

The Pinterest account, the glossarie, shows us how they provide value to their more than 19,000 followers in the beauty category.

Pinterest board ideas

Party Inspiration

Show your followers how to throw an unforgettable party with party inspiration boards!

This feed from Catch My Party is a great example of how creating boards can provide value to your audience while also promoting your business.

Seasonal Content

From Christmas to autumn and Halloween to springtime, creating seasonal Pinterest boards is a great way to boost your monthly views.

Interior Design Inspiration

Pinterest is a great place to search for interior design inspiration. Board ideas could include gorgeous home offices, interior decorating, feminine home details, and more.

One of the most popular accounts on Pinterest, Oh Joy, offers a seemingly endless supply of interior design inspiration.

Digital Marketing Boards

Whether you're trying to promote affiliate products or boost your social media following, creating Pinterest boards around the topic of digital marketing is a great way to attract a large audience.

Pinterest marketing specialist Alisa Meredith shows us how exciting content marketing can be.

Office Inspiration

Pinterest is a great place for people to look for design inspiration for their home office. Provide inspiration for them with your own office design inspiration board.

Take a page out of NASA's book and create a Pinterest board around the topic of tech!

Fun Crafts

Pinterest is a popular place to search for DIY crafts!

This craft board from Brit + Co, an account with more than 10 million monthly views, is a great source of inspiration for the fun crafts you can post about on your own board.

How To Start a Business

Share your wisdom on how to start a business with your target market by creating a curated board on this topic.

Meditation How-To

Another Pinterest board idea is to focus on the topic of meditation. As meditation becomes more mainstream, your target audience is looking for how-to instructions to use today.

Freezer Meals

Niche down from the broad topic of recipes to focus on freezer meals. Reach your target audience by posting helpful recipes that provide value.


Pinterest is also a great place for book lovers! Sort existing boards by genre (such as marketing books), author, age group, and more in order to make it easier for your followers to find the information they're looking for.

Pull inspiration for your next Pinterest board from Goodreads. With more than 2 million monthly views, Goodreads posts vintage book covers, book quotes, reviews, and more.

All Things Weddings

The Pinterest community loves to talk about weddings! From wedding dresses to floral arches, there's a seemingly endless amount of content you can create in the wedding space.

The Wedding Chicks on Pinterest shows us one of the ways to create wedding-themed boards. Their almost 5 million followers like the way they're posting!


Creating a Pinterest board around the topic of gratitude is a great way to build an uplifting community on this social media platform. Pin content like gratitude practices, challenges, and quotes to get started.


When considering our Pinterest board ideas, think about ways to use your boards to earn additional income.

Jorgo Photography shows us how to use Pinterest to expertly showcase your photography skills while also promoting your prints, thus diversifying your income. These stunning photographs inspire some serious wanderlust!

Let us show you how to make money on Pinterest with our ultimate guide for beginners.

How to Become an Influencer

People on Pinterest use this social platform as a search engine. Help them answer the question of how to become an influencer on social media with this helpful Pinterest board idea.


Draw creative inspiration from the living space around you and start an architecture Pinterest board!

The options for types of architecture you could categorize into different boards are seemingly endless. Sort each type of architecture using different board names to make it easy for your followers to find what they're looking for.

Chloe Douglas shows us one way to pin images to create a beautiful Pinterest board about architecture.


Niche down even further from graphic design by creating Pinterest boards on the topic of typography! This board category will be valuable for creatives, designers, and marketing professionals alike.

Pinterest account Daniel B has a striking typography board which provides inspiration for your next board.


Another idea for your Pinterest boards is to post on the topic of gardening. It's a highly visual theme, which makes it a great choice for getting your board filled.

This Great Gardens & Ideas board on Pinterest has more than 50,000 followers.

Pop Culture

Pop culture has a place on Pinterest! From celebrity fashion to iconic beauty looks, magazines publish their content on Pinterest as another way to draw traffic to their website.

Graphic Design

Pinterest is a great place to look for graphic design inspiration! Create new boards centered around the topic of graphic design to help increase your following.

Rosanne Chan curated a graphic design Pinterest board with a minimalist and chic visual theme.

Where to Begin When Creating Pinterest Boards

If starting a Pinterest account feels daunting to you, remember that Pinterest is a great place to showcase your brand's personality. Instead of putting pressure on yourself, simply focus on showcasing who you are as a brand.

Creating a board begins with brainstorming your best Pinterest board ideas. After you've come up with your board idea, it's time to starting creating the actual board.

Begin by creating your board, specifying its name and description, and adding pins to it.

Don't forget to add links to your pins! Link to your blog posts, product listings on your website, other social media profiles, and more. You can link to the same blogs on multiple pins to boost your Pinterest traffic, but consider creating a different design for the pin images for each post.

What Makes a Good Pinterest Board?

Now that we've brainstormed ideas for your Pinterest boards, let's review a few basics for creating a board worth following.

Pinterest creators should include the following information when creating boards:

  • An accurately descriptive and engaging name
  • A succinct yet informative board description
  • Plenty of relevant pins

The Importance of Board Names

Board names are important because they're how new followers will find you. The names of your Pinterest boards will help with SEO. This means that when your target market searches for you, they will be able to find you.

Instead of trying to come up with something clever like a play on words or acronyms, keep it simple. For example, a board named “Craft Room Inspiration” will be more searchable and effective than “Katie's Craft Domain.”

Board Description

The description of your Pinterest boards is another great place to incorporate your keywords.

In order to be the most effective, your description should be written in complete sentences.

Incorporating the keywords from your board names into your descriptions is another way to boost your Pinterest SEO.

Start Pinning to Your Board

After you've named your board and written a description, it's time to starting filling your board!

Your boards should be filled with relevant pins. This helps establish trust with your audience. Your boards should also be updated often in order to continually provide value to your audience with fresh content.

Reviewing some of the most popular boards on Pinterest can help you understand what performs well on the platform and what might help you form a connection with your target market.

Some of the most popular boards on Pinterest include:

  • Oh Joy's “Recipes” board has more than 6.5 million followers.
  • PoppyTalk is another popular account on Pinterest. Her board titled, “Entertaining + Fun,” has more than 6.44 million followers.
  • Mamas Uncut has more than 6.4 million followers on her board titled, “Baby, Lifestyle, and Inspiration.
  • Interior designer Maryann Rizzo has more than 4.53 million followers on her board titled, “EVERYTHING.”
  • Spend with Pennies has more than 1.4 million followers on her recipe content.

Brainstorming Pinterest Board Ideas

Now that we've discussed 30 Pinterest board ideas and touched on what makes a good Pinterest board, it's time to start creating!

The post 30 Great Pinterest Board Ideas to Push You In The Right Direction appeared first on Niche Pursuits.