Is Funnel Scripts Software Worth Your Time and Money?

Funnel Scripts Software.

If you're a business owner, then you know that copywriting is key to your success. However, crafting high-quality copy can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if you don't have the skillset yourself or have access to a tool like Funnel Scripts software.

This copywriting tool is designed to help business owners create high-converting sales letters, webinar scripts, email campaigns, and more.

In this article, you'll get an in-depth Funnel Scripts review including its features, benefits, and pricing. We'll also compare it to some of its top competitors so you can make the best decision for your budget.

Sign up for Funnel Scripts here!

(FYI – ClickFunnels has a 14-day free trial. This lets you try Funnel Scripts as well as all the other tools available to see if they are right for your business.)

Funnel Scripts Review
  • Ease of Use
  • Functionality
  • Customer Service
  • Price


Funnel Scripts has hundreds of templates in various industries, making copy generation easy for any business owner. The one-time payment is high, especially for a program that doesn't utilize AI, but it can be cheaper in the long term compared to monthly subscription payments. Start a 14-Day Trial to Give Funnel Scripts a Try!


  • Hundreds of conversion-tested templates to choose from
  • Easy to use
  • One-time payment for a lifetime subscription
  • Downloadable wizards that work offline


  • Payment is high compared to other programs
  • Doesn't have AI functionality

Funnel Scripts Review

Homepage of Funnel scripts

Funnel Scripts is a software program that automatically generates copy based on specific inputs you give for various questions. It was created by internet marketer, Russell Brunson, and copywriter, Jim Edwards. The two have over 50 years of experience between them in the fields of sales, marketing, and copywriting.

The software is designed to help business owners save time and money on copywriting costs. It does this by providing templates and scripts for various types of sales letters, webinars, webpages, and more.

The Founders Behind Funnel Scripts

Jim Edwards and Russel Brunson going over papers

Russell Brunson hit internet fame with the creation of ClickFunnels, a funnel-building software that easily creates webpages and funnels for businesses. Brunson is also the author of multiple best-selling books including Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets.

Brunson has one of the largest digital marketing followings on the internet and his Two Comma Club Coaching program boasts over 24,000 members. He is a thought leader in the industry and is known for always over-delivering on his promises.

His partner, Jim Edwards, is a well-known copywriter who has worked with some of the biggest names in internet marketing. He's also the creator of the popular podcast, The Sales Copywriting & Content Marketing Hacks Show.

Edwards has teamed up with Brunson throughout the years on several marketing campaigns promoting new products within the Clickfunnels universe.

The two created Funnel Scripts as a way to decrease the amount of time it took for entrepreneurs to write their own copy, but that's not the only benefit of using the tool.

Benefits of Funnel Scripts

Once you log in and start using Funnel Scripts, it's easy to see why so many entrepreneurs count on it on a daily basis. Here are a few ways your business will improve by implementing Funnel Scripts software.

No Need For A Copywriter

Managing freelancers who are unreliable and don't deliver the level of quality you want is frustrating.

One week you might get professional-level copy and the next week your freelancer is “sick” and needs to take a few days off. Not only is this inconvenient, but you have to spend your own time writing and editing a piece of copy you didn't plan on creating in the first place.

Hiring a full-time copywriter can be an even bigger ordeal. You could take weeks training the copywriter to follow your exact methods only to learn they quit the very next day.

Funnel Scripts eliminates the need for a copywriter altogether. You won't have to deal with unreliable workers or spend your own time crafting copy.

You'll get high-converting copy every time without having to manage a team of writers.

Improved Quality Across All Sales Materials

When you hire a copywriter, they usually specialize in one specific type of copy. They might be good at writing sales letters but not so much at webinar scripts. Perhaps they're great at email sequences but fall short when it comes to creating compelling social media ads.

This can be a problem because you'll need to either find a copywriter for each type of sales material you need or learn how to write the copy yourself.

When you access Funnel Scripts you'll have high-converting templates and scripts for every type of marketing collateral imaginable. You'll never have to worry about the quality of your copy again.

Saves You Time and Money

Hiring writers, managing deadlines, and coordinating communication channels takes time and a lot of money.

You could easily spend hundreds per month on multiple copywriters, which quickly eats into your profits. The time it takes to manage a team of writers can easily put you at 50-60 hour work weeks.

By using Funnel Scripts, you can get all the copy you need for a fraction of the price. You don't even have to pay for Clickfunnels to gain access to Funnel Scripts (get the 14-day free trial!).

Using the software will ultimately give you time back in your day and keep your wallets feeling heavy. There's a free trial along with a money-back guarantee to ease your worries.

Based On Proven Formulas

The biggest benefit of using Funnel Scripts is the templates. They are based on years of copywriting experience from one of the best to put hands to keyboards.

Jim Edwards has condensed his decades-long expertise into an easy-to-use software. The formulas have been tested and proven to convert time and time again.

You won't have to wonder if your copy is good enough or scratch your head over what's missing. All you need to do is put in the information Funnel Scripts asks for and watch as high-converting sales materials appear before your eyes.

Of course, everyone else who has the program has access to the same templates you do. To keep them unique, you'll want to put your own vocabulary and personality into every sentence.

Funnel Scripts Features

Funnel Scripts template

Funnel Scripts is fairly straightforward in its operation, but the power comes in the magnitude of templates it contains and the added bonuses it offers.

Here is a list of the various features to expect from Funnel Scripts:

  • Sales Letters: Sales letters were first popularized by Gary Halbert and are one of the most effective ways to close a deal. Funnel Scripts gives you access to long-form sales scripts, short sales scripts, and video sales scripts.
  • Email Scripts: Email marketing campaigns can have a large impact on your lifetime customer value if you can get people to click through to your offer. Webinar follow-ups, teaser scripts, promotional emails, and more are available.
  • Sales Copy and Video Scripts: You'll get one of the biggest libraries of scripts in the sales copy and video scripts section. Everything from Amazon and eCommerce scripts to lead capture and testimonial scripts.
  • Downloadable Wizards: Instead of needing access to the internet, downloadable script wizards allow you to take the power of Funnel Scripts offline. Several key scripts are available for download and you'll need a computer to run the programs.
  • Titles and Headlines: Most people who look at an ad, read a blog article, or open an email are concentrated solely on the title or the headline. You'll get help crafting the perfect title or headline with scripts built just for your business.
  • Classic Ad Copy: You'll have access to Facebook ad scripts, Google Ad scripts, Instagram ad scripts, and more with proven ad copy that converts.
  • Bullet Scripts: You can use bullet scripts in any of your other copy-related pieces of content. The bullet points on Funnel Scripts include features, benefits, meanings, and Russell Brunson's own style.
  • Content Creation: Businesses looking for long-term solutions to acquiring customers can use content creation scripts. It'll help you build out a system of bringing customers to your website without paying for ads.
  • Bonuses: To add even more value to the software, a few Funnel Scripts bonuses are included like live monthly coaching calls with Jim Edwards himself, dotcom secrets scripts, and expert secrets scripts.

Funnel Scripts Cost

Even though you'll save in the long run compared to hiring a full-time writer, Funnel Scripts is still expensive for most entrepreneurs. To make matters worse, you won't see many discounts or special offers for the course throughout the year.

You'll fork over a one-time payment of $797 to use the copywriting software and gain access to all the features mentioned earlier.

While most beginning entrepreneurs won't be able to afford the price plan and see the full Funnel Scripts worth, there are some alternatives you can consider.

Funnel Scripts Software Alternatives

Below are the copywriting tools that compare to Funnel Scripts and, in some ways, even surpass it. Learn how each one works and how they all align with your online business goals. dashboard

Seemingly out of nowhere, has become one of the most popular and industry-changing copywriting tools available.

Funnel Scripts is essentially a copywriting software program that plugs your inputs into already written copy. is entirely powered by AI and GPT-3 and automatically creates original storytelling copy that is written right in front of your eyes.

You simply give a prompt like “Write an email for a sales funnel” and it'll generate high-converting copy in seconds. The tool has a number of templates you can use like ad copy, social media copy, blog post copy, Quora answers, and more.

Jasper is the future of computer-assisted writing and is at the cutting edge of what you can expect from future copywriting tools.

You can learn all of the details in our full Jasper AI review here.

Pricing: Starter Plan – $24/mo for 20,000 words, Boss Mode – $49/mo for 50,000 words.

CopyAI homepage

In terms of performance, CopyAI delivers a powerful copywriting assistant product that would suit most professionals and experts. It's powered by AI, delivers original copy in seconds, and is used by tons of entrepreneurs, marketers, and copywriters.

You'll be able to do just about anything with CopyAI including:

  • Blog content
  • Sales copy
  • Digital ad copy
  • Social media content
  • eCommerce copy
  • Website copy
  • Build sales funnel copy

There are over 90 different templates and tools that help you streamline your content production. Using the tool is incredibly easy and it's comparable in performance to (see our head-to-head Jasper AI vs CopyAI comparison here).

Add a statement about what you'd like to create, add some main points, choose a tone, and you're finished. You'll even get multiple results to choose from.

Price: Free plan for 2,000 words per month, Pro plan – $49/mo for 40,000 words


Rytr homepage

Rytr is a simple version of the more complex AI writing tools on this list. It still produces completely original copy using machine learning; it just doesn't have the impressive amount of templates to make your writing quicker.

You can choose a use case and then add your own inputs to give the tool context. Then, Rytr creates the copy for you in seconds.

It does have a nifty tone input that includes:

  • Joyful
  • Passionate
  • Thoughtful
  • Urgent
  • Worried
  • Inspirational
  • Informative
  • Humorous

Learn more in our Rytr review or compare Jasper AI vs Rytr here.

Price: Free, Saver Plan – $9/mo for 100k characters, Unlimited Plan – $29/mo


Copysmith homepage

Few other copywriting tools target eCommerce and enterprise owners like Copysmith. Store owners will be able to easily create advertisements or product descriptions using the tool.

There are a number of integrations you can connect to Copysmith for better efficiency. You can use the tool for a number of content pieces including:

  • Content enhancement
  • Advertising scripts
  • Social media
  • Blog templates
  • Brainstorming
  • Product descriptions

While it doesn't have nearly as many templates as some of the other top platforms, the concentration on eCommerce helps online store owners save a lot of time and money trying to find the perfect writer.

Get all the details about this tool in our Copysmith review.

Pricing: Starter – $19/mo for 40k words per month, Professional – $59/mo for 260k words per month


Kafkai homepage

You'll have the same machine learning assistance with Kafkai when generating copy that converts. The company was founded by SEO experts and marketers and is one of the only platforms that specifically targets these two industries.

The tool has been specifically trained by the Kafkai team to integrate popular SEO niches for better results. There are three modes of operation that include a couple of trained models and one general writer model that isn't trained in SEO niches.

Also impressive is Kafkai's ability to translate articles into seven different languages including:

  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish


  • Writer – $29/mo for 100 monthly articles
  • Newsroom – $49/mo for 250 monthly articles
  • Printing Press – $129/mo for 1,000 monthly articles
  • Industrial Printer $199/mo for 2,500 monthly articles

Builderall Script Generator

Builderall Script Generator input section

Builderall has a ton of features that are helpful for any marketer like a drag-and-drop website builder, email marketing, CRM, and a script generator. The latter can help you craft sales copy for your website, webinars, funnels, emails, and more.

The company has developed video tutorials for getting the most from the script generator but the unique aspect is the avatar. You can build an ideal persona and generate copy that's catered to their interests.

Builderall is perfect for businesses that need a suite of tools in one location. It's simple, easy to use, and helps keep you organized. Be sure to check out our comparison of Builderall vs ClickFunnels for an even better understanding of the tool!


  • Cheetah – $16.90/mo
  • Marketer $76.90/mo
  • Premium $87.90/mo

Zyro Content Generator

Zyro Content Generator homepage

The best part about the Zyro Content Generator is that it's completely free to use. You don't have to pay a single dollar to gain access. Simply head over to the site and start generating copy.

The downside is that you have very limited flexibility in what the generator actually creates. You're given a set of categories to choose from and, once you make the last selection, the copy is generated for you.

More than likely, the content doesn't have any significance to your specific business and you'll need to customize it to fit your needs. There is, however, an option to write a few sentences about your business and have Zyro create content based on your input.

Some of the categories include:

  • Restaurants and food
  • Events and weddings
  • Health and living
  • Sports and entertainment
  • Beauty and cosmetics

Pricing: Free

Closers Copy

Closers Copy homepage

Closers Copy believes their product concentrates on marketing copy more than any other. While most platforms create templates for a range of content material, Closers Copy seems to be one of the few that have marketing down to a science.

There are over 700 different frameworks available that make generating copy even easier. To help new users, Closers Copy has created multiple training videos that introduce the user to the platform and how best to use it.

Pricing: Power – $49.99/mo for 300 AI runs, Superpower – $79.99/mo for unlimited AI writing

Automatic Scripts

Automatic Scripts homepage

While some of the platforms on this list are confusing for the user, Automatic Scripts is incredibly easy to use. The dashboard is straightforward and has a number of scripts to choose from including:

  • Sales letters
  • Facebook ads
  • Email campaigns
  • Webinars
  • Upsells
  • Testimonials

Once you pick a script in the platform, you'll have to choose a formula or model which guides the AI tool to write your copy. For example, if you picked “email campaign” as your script, you'll have to choose between the “Hero's Journey,” “Problem-Agitate-Solution,” and other formulas.

After that, all you need to do is enter some key information about what you're selling and let Automatic Scripts go. You'll be able to build sales funnels with ease using the Scripts copywriting software.

Pricing: Standard – $39 per month, Enterprise – $69 per month.

Instant Scripts

Instant Scripts homepage

Dan Lok is a very successful copywriter, online marketer, and entrepreneur. His company, Instant Scripts, sells a number of copywriting products that are supposed to help entrepreneurs close deals and make more money.

Instant Scripts has hundreds of templates available and thousands of different copy elements to choose from. Unfortunately, Instant Scripts, much like Funnel Scripts, is simply a program that plugs your inputs into existing formulas.

In that sense, the product doesn't create anything new per se, it just uses the proven formulas that convert and customizes it for your business. Although helpful, it's only a matter of time before AI platforms push these types of programs into the background.

Pricing: $295 for one year

Script Engage

Script Engage homepage

Script Engage has everything you'll need to create engaging copy for your business. Your upsell pages, headlines, download pages, lead generation pages, ads, and webinars are all easy to create using the tool.

Most entrepreneurs will be interested in the Complete Email Sequence feature included with a monthly payment. You'll be able to easily create an email funnel sequence that converts your leads into paying customers.


Scriptdoll signup page

The fancy machine-learning original copy you can produce with other tools on this list won't come with Scriptdoll. You'll get old-fashioned, battle-tested templates delivered to your email with fillable input fields for customization.

Scriptdoll organizes the templates by campaign and you'll have four to choose from including:

  • Email marketing campaign
  • Long-form sales copy
  • Short-form sales copy
  • Video Script

The templates are all written by professional marketers and copywriters. Once you have access, you'll enter all your business information using the editor.

Price: $99.95 per month, $799.95 per year

Should You Use Funnel Scripts Software?

Funnel Scripts software uses your own inputs and integrates them seamlessly into conversion-focused templates that have been tested by expert marketers Russel Brunson and Jim Edwards. In this Funnel Scripts review, you've learned about the various script templates available and the helpful downloadable script wizard that lets you work offline.

The high one-time payment may not fit lean entrepreneur budgets, but it's cheaper than paying monthly subscriptions for more advanced AI copywriting assistants. As mentioned in the intro, ClickFunnels offers a 14 day free trial and a money-back guarantee to ease your decision, so you can try Funnel Scripts and more risk-free!

Try Funnel Scripts here!

The post Is Funnel Scripts Software Worth Your Time and Money? appeared first on Niche Pursuits.