How to Find Your YouTube Niche Fast With 5 Easy Tips

how to find your YouTube niche.

Need help finding the right niche for YouTube?

You’re in luck because in this post we’re clearing up all the confusion.

No more doubting yourself or choosing a niche that won’t make you any money.

You’ll learn:

  • Why you MUST choose a niche
  • 5 tips you can use to find a great niche, fast
  • And niches that make the most money

If you’re ready, keep reading to learn how to find your YouTube niche.

In a rush?

There's a tool called TubeBuddy that's used by million of YouTubers to help with everything from keyword research and publishing to ranking, promoting, testing, and more.

It's a great tool with up-to-date information to help ensure you go after the right niche for your skillset!

What Is a YouTube Niche?

A YouTube niche is a specific topic or area of knowledge that a YouTube channel specializes in.

Some common niches on YouTube include:

  • Tech reviews
  • Gaming
  • Food and cooking
  • Website tutorials
  • Fitness
  • Pets
  • Travel
  • Fashion and beauty
  • Business

And so many more.

If you have an interest in building PCs, then your niche would fall under Technology and Tech reviews.

When choosing your niche, it’s best to get as specific as possible, because you’ll grow your channel much faster that way.

Why Choose a Niche For YouTube?

When starting a YouTube channel, it’s vital that you choose a niche for several reasons.

Here’s why.

Creating YouTube videos about anything and everything will be a little confusing for your target audience.

It will also be very difficult for the YouTube algorithm to understand what your channel is about, so it won’t rank your videos.

When all of your videos focus on a specific topic, you’ll get more YouTube viewers and subscribers.

Some other reasons to choose a niche are:

  • It makes you look like an expert
  • People will trust you and want to follow your advice
  • Subscribers are more likely to watch multiple videos
  • Your audience will know what to expect and look forward to upcoming videos

Now you know the importance of choosing a niche for YouTube, let’s look at some ways to find one that’s right for you.

How to Find Your YouTube Niche: 5 Tips For You to Try

Follow the tips below to discover how to find your YouTube niche so you can launch your channel with confidence.

Tip 1. List 5 things you’re passionate about

What’s the best niche to start a YouTube channel in?

The answer is yourself.

That’s right. The best niche is the combination of your unique personality and what you’re passionate about.


Because when you create content around the topics you love, it communicates confidence, which is what will attract people to you.

So grab yourself a pen and a piece of paper and start brainstorming.

Try to think of five things you’re passionate about that you would enjoy talking about on YouTube.

If you’re stumped and can’t think of anything, here are a few things you can try:

  1. Look at your YouTube history: Looking at the videos you watch the most on YouTube is a good indicator of what you’re passionate about. You can view your history here.
  2. What you spend a lot of money on: Whatever you spend a lot of money on is what you value most. So look at your recent purchases in the last 6-12 months. Anything you’ve spent over $100 – $500 on is a clear sign of your passion.
  3. Ask your friends or family: Your friends are often the ones who know you best, so get their advice. If you can’t go a day without speaking to them about the newest gadgets or a recent eye makeup you’re using, they will certainly clarify what you enjoy the most.

Tip 2. Check what’s trending

If you’re struggling to find your niche based on your passions, then no worries. Go with what’s trending instead.

But before we dive in here, it’s important to know the difference between a trending niche and viral topics.

A viral topic is something that comes and goes quickly. If you choose a niche based on what’s going viral, you could be setting yourself up for failure.

However, a trending niche with a steady incline holds more promise for YouTube success.

So, how can you find what’s trending?

First, consider using TubeBuddy. This tool lets you search for topic ideas and score them based on how easy they would be to rank for.

You could use the tool by searching for the interests you wrote about in the last tip.

Using a tool like TubeBuddy makes it super easy to find content ideas and inspire the niche you choose.

Second, look at the top trending products of the last year. Any products that are selling like hotcakes right now are a great place to get YouTube niche ideas.

Search in Google for top trending products and you’ll find tons of list posts with ideas.

how to find your YouTube niche

Just avoid product fads that die out fast.

Third, use a tool like Exploding Topics. This tool shows graphs for topics that are currently trending.

how to find your YouTube niche

Browsing through the categories you find interesting can give you a ton of ideas.

Fourth, check Google Trends to see if the niche ideas you find are actually trending. Here are a few niche ideas I found:

The last option is to go with a safe niche. There are niches that will always be in demand because they satisfy our basic human needs.

how to find your YouTube niche

These include physiological needs like health and fitness, security needs like prepping and wealth, love and relationships, and esteem needs like personal growth and fulfillment.

Tip 3. Decide based on the fastest growing channels

It’s true that some niches and channels do better than others, but what’s more important is the consistency and dedication it takes.

However, that doesn’t stop us from looking at channels with epic growth to get some inspiration.

If you want to do your own research, you can search for ‘fastest growing youtube channels‘ in Google to get some ideas.

To save you some time, here are some niches and channels that have had some serious growth recently.

  • Life hacks (Inventor101) – up to 300,000 subscribers per month and up to 72 million views per month
  • Music, Guitars (That Pedal Show) – up to 7,000 subscribers per month and up to 1.4 million views per month
  • Personal Finance (Sorelle Amore Finance) – up to 85,000 subscribers per month and up to 6 million views per month
  • Mental health and wellbeing (Kati Morton) – up to 20,000 subscribers per month and up to 1.7 million views per month
  • Gardening (Epic Gardening) – up to 80,000 subscribers per month and up to 12 million views per month
  • Fitness (MadFit) – up to 250,000 subscribers per month and up to 30 million views per month

Tip 4. Ask your friends or audience

Are your friends always asking for your advice on something specific? Maybe you’re the go-to friend for dating and relationship advice?

Or do you always host dinner parties and cook the best meals?

Perhaps you’re the one who fixes stuff, like mobile phones, PCs, or anything else techy?

Whatever it might be, if you’ve heard your friends comment on your endless knowledge of a particular topic, then this could be the niche for you.

Alternatively, if you already have a YouTube channel, then why not ask your audience?

Maybe you’ve been posting videos, but the niche is a little disjointed? You could reach out to your subscribers, asking them what they want to see.

This can really motivate and inspire you to find a perfect niche and YouTube channel ideas.

Need help with your channel name? Read our post for some good YouTube channel names.

Tip 5. Let the algorithm decide

This next tip might be the most ambitious, but possibly the one with the most potential for success.

That’s because you’re going to post video content in multiple niches and let the algorithm decide.

I did this with a brand-new channel earlier this year and the results were very insightful.

Here’s how it works.

Narrow down all your ideas into 3-5 categories or niches. Ideally, you want each of them to be relatively related.

For example, maybe you settle on fitness, healthy meals, and mindfulness. These are closely related enough that it won’t be too confusing for a new subscriber or YouTube algorithm.

If you go for something like music, finance, and gardening, it’s going to be tough to get definitive results.

Using the niches above, you want to find multiple content ideas for each category.

So for fitness, you could post some workout videos, how to prep healthy meals, and several mindfulness practices.

Try to post 10 videos in each category every day for 30 days or as consistently as possible.

Then, after you’ve finished the experiment, look at your YouTube analytics to see which category has performed the best.

You might have a clear winner or you maybe enjoyed one topic more than the others.

Then, choose whichever performed the best or the one you had the most fun with.

7 YouTube Niches That Make the Most Money

Want to choose your YouTube niche based on profitability with Google Ads?

Here are 7 profitable YouTube niches that you might want to consider.

Entrepreneurship and Marketing

how to find your YouTube niche

One of the best niche markets is anything that teaches people how to make money online.

So niches in digital marketing, eCommerce, or blogging are very lucrative to get into on YouTube.

Finance and Investing

Another great YouTube channel niche is finance and investing.

The reason is that companies will spend high amounts on ads in the finance niche.

So when you create videos on personal finance, your ad revenue will be higher than the average channel.


how to find your YouTube niche

According to popular YouTuber, Roberto Blake, the car niche is a profitable niche for YouTube.

He mentions in the YouTube video below that some car-related channels make anywhere between $15 and $35 per 1000 views or RPM.


The tech industry is huge and the average RPM is around $2.39 per 1000 views.

However, some tech channels can reach much higher. For example, the photography niche gets closer to $7.31 RPM.

Mobile Gaming

Sarah from the channel Wholesale Ted mentions that the Mobile gaming niche gets a high RPM, even when the games are free.

That’s because a lot of mobile games have in-app purchases and can get a lot of new paid users by advertising on YouTube.


This niche is extremely broad. You could create tutorials from web development to spreadsheets.

There’s a lot of software you could teach in this niche that many people find difficult to use. If you’re particularly savvy with Photoshop, Google Sheets, or WordPress plugins, this would be a great niche to go with.

There’s also the potential of affiliate commissions and the ability to sell courses to your subscribers too.

Outdoors and Adventure

Another niche with a lot of potential is the outdoor niche. This can also fall under travel, adventure, hiking, and camping.

RPM in these niches can vary, but there’s also so much potential for reviewing products and making money with affiliate marketing.

Conclusion: How to Find Your YouTube Niche

There you have it, a simple guide on how to find your YouTube niche.

You can go with what you’re passionate about, with what is trending, or opt for the channels that make the most money.

Whichever method you choose to help make your decision, set yourself a deadline and get started.

The best way for anyone to be successful on YouTube is through experience. You always have the option to shift niches down the road.

Good luck!

The post How to Find Your YouTube Niche Fast With 5 Easy Tips appeared first on Niche Pursuits.