How To Make Money On Youtube Without Making Videos: 4 Profitable Methods

How to make money on youtube without making videos.

So you want to know how to make money on YouTube without making videos? Making money on YouTube can seem like a daunting task. Most people think you need to have a camera, have video editing skills, and know how to create engaging content. 

Here's the good news: you don't necessarily have to be the star of your own videos to make money. In fact, there are a few ways to earn income on the platform without even having to create a single video.

These ideas will get you started.

In a rush?

The easiest way to get started is by offering scriptwriting services. And with the help of an AI writing assistant like Jasper, there's never been a better or easier time to get started. Jasper can help you with the entire creative process and get you earning fast.

How To Make Money On Youtube Without Making Videos: Influencers

One method often overlooked is partnering with YouTube influencers to sell your products or services.

Partnering with an influencer allows you to:

  1. Access their already-established audience.
  2. Get in front of your target market quickly and easily.
  3. Utilize their credibility and influence to boost your sales.

Let's dive into the details.

What is a YouTube Influencer?

A YouTube influencer is somebody with a popular channel that produces videos around a specific topic or niche. Their audience trusts their opinions and looks to them for recommendations on what to watch, listen to, or buy.

For more information on how to become an influencer, see our detailed guide here.

Trust & Admiration

A study by Olapic and Cite determined that YouTube influencers are sitting on the most engaged and trusted audiences out there.

Trust is the foundation of any good relationship – including the one between a YouTube influencer and their audience. However, knowing who to trust in a world of constant media and marketing can take time. Into this fray step YouTube influencers.

YouTube influencers are popular because their raw and unpolished content is relatable and down-to-earth.

Unlike traditional celebrities or branded content, YouTube influencers are just regular people who have built up their channel through passion, hard work, and authenticity.

This makes them much more relatable to their fans, who see them as friends rather than untouchable idols. As a result, YouTube influencers have a powerful influence over their audience.

This combination of trust and admiration makes YouTube Influencers' audiences highly potent for helping customers make a buying decision.

Talent and YouTube Video Production Skills

Video creators also possess a unique combination of talent and production skills. As a result, they can often create high-quality content that is both entertaining and informative.

This unique ability to engage and educate their audiences makes YouTube influencers a powerful force for change.

Think about it: as a business or individual with a product or service to sell, why wouldn't you want trustworthy and skillful YouTube stars creating original videos on your behalf?

Making Money With Influencer YouTube Channels

We already established that YouTube video creators have massively engaged and highly-trusting audiences. But how do you turn that into actual dollars for your business?

Here are a few ideas to make money on YouTube without making videos:

  • Sell products through sponsored videos or product placements.
  • Drive traffic to your website or blog through video annotations and links in the influencer's description box. 
  • Capture leads by including a call-to-action in their video (i.e., visit our website for a free consultation). Pro tip: Having these targeted emails will be helpful if you decide to run PPC campaigns on YouTube or elsewhere. Use these emails to create lookalike audiences!
  • Increase brand awareness and exposure by having an influencer mention your business in a positive light during their videos. 
  • Boost sales by offering discounts or coupons exclusively to viewers who watch your sponsored videos. 

The best part about this strategy is that you don't need a YouTube channel to start working with influencers. So you can test ideas very quickly!

Pro Tip: Leverage a Micro-Influencer's YouTube Channel

Should you work with a big-time celebrity influencer or a micro-influencer on YouTube? Consider the latter.

Micro-influencers have a YouTube account with 30,000 followers or fewer – and they're surprisingly more valuable than their celebrity counterparts, according to a study by HelloSociety.

Here's why:

  • They're cost-effective.
  • They deliver higher engagement rates.
  • They drive social buzz.

So if you're looking to get the highest return for your dollars, micro-influencers are the way to go. 

Example: The Reyes Family

The Reyes family is a well-known and respected family in the online world that creates fun, inspiring, entertaining, and positive content. They have a large social media following (over 30,000 on YouTube alone) and are known for their honest and open approach to life.

As a result, they are often approached by brands like Kia, Target, and Dove looking to promote their products through the Reyes family.What brands love about working with the Reyes family is the great video footage they get from the relationship.

Remember, you don't have to be a major brand to work with microinfluencers. Many are happy to take part in smaller projects or partner with popular affiliate programs.

Since they are so valuable, influencers can earn impressive payouts, making this a great way to make money on YouTube without making videos!

Paid Youtube Ads

If you don't like the weekly grind of uploading videos, there is another way to access YouTube's vast pool of users – by running ads! Similar to influencers, you can access a highly targeted audience on demand.

Advertisers spent over $5 billion on YouTube last year, and for a good reason – YouTube has an incredible reach (over two billion active users).

Here are the fundamental principles for making money on YouTube ads:

  • Set your goals: What do you want your ad to achieve? Are you looking for leads, sales, or brand awareness? This will correspond to your campaign objective when setting up your ads.
  • Research your target audience: What youtube videos or channels do they watch? What do they care about? How can you solve pain points or fulfill a need? Again, this piece is critical – you need to know your audience to create content that resonates with them.
  • Choose your ad format: There are several formats to choose from including ads that play before, during, or after a video, discovery (ads that appear on the YouTube homepage or as related videos), and bumper (six-second, non-skippable ads). 
  • Create your ad: Make sure your video content is attention-grabbing, informative, and relevant to your target audience.
  • Test, test, test: Try different versions of your ad to see what works best. For example, try different placements, call-to-actions, copy, images, etc.
  • Measure your results: Once you've run your ad, look at the metrics to see how it performed. How many views? Clicks? Conversions? Leads? Sales? Use this data to inform your future YouTube ads. 

Ad Creative Pro Tips

Are you looking to create an eye-catching ad that will capture your audience's attention? If so, you'll need to ensure that your ad creative is on point.

Here are a few pro tips for crafting killer ad creative:

1. Leverage other people's skills.

Don't be afraid to hire an outside agency or freelancer to help create ads. You want your ad to be high-quality, so it's worth investing in professionals who can help you achieve that. If you aren't creating videos yourself, you can still apply creativity in developing your ad. You can find incredible freelancers on Upwork, Fiverr, or Toptal.

Learn more about how these sites work in our Upwork vs. Fiverr review and our detailed Toptal review here.

2. Don't make your ad longer than 15 seconds  

The average attention span of a human being is now shorter than that of a goldfish, so it should be no surprise that people have little patience for long, drawn-out ads. But, on the other hand, you can pack a lot of punch in 15 seconds if you're strategic about it. 

2. Use Youtube Cards and calls-to-action

YouTube cards are those little visual components that pop up in the corner of a YouTube video, asking you to like, comment, subscribe, or check out a website. But don't let their size fool you – these little things can pack a big punch.

Cards are one of the most effective ways to encourage viewers to take action. These visual suggestions can be used to promote new content, nudge people to the next episode, or, in the case of an ad, direct people to an outside link.

Generally, these CTAs are non-intrusive, so they don't interfere with your viewing experience. But if you're interested in what they're offering, it's easy enough to click on the card and be taken to wherever it's pointing you.

3. Make an emotional connection  

YouTube is an excellent platform for injecting personality and fun into your advertising campaigns. Don't be afraid to get creative and let loose with your ads—after all, that's what people come to YouTube for in the first place. If you can make your audience laugh, you're much more likely to leave a lasting impression (and generate some earned media attention too).  

4. Give customers a reason to convert

Simply running an ad isn't enough if you want to make money on YouTube without making videos. You must also give potential customers a reason to convert by building value and trust. And that's where freebies come in. So what are some examples of powerful freebies?

  • Ebooks are a great way to provide value and build trust because they're packed with useful information that people can use to improve their lives. They're also easy to share, so they can quickly reach a broad audience.
  • Free trials are a great way to let people experience your product or service for themselves and see how it can benefit them. They're also a great way to build trust because people can see that you're confident enough in your product or service to offer it for free.
  • Finally, discounts are another great way to provide value and build trust. Discounts show people you're willing to invest in them and believe in your product or service enough to offer it at a lower price point. Discounts also help create a sense of urgency, which can prompt people to convert sooner rather than later.

Targeting Tips

A profitable YouTube campaign has two components: the creative and the targeting.

Let's say you're scrolling through YouTube, and you come across a video about cooking. The next thing you know, you're watching an ad for a new knife set. This is an example of ad targeting. 

In other words, ad targeting on YouTube is all about matching the right ads with the right viewers.

And while it can sometimes seem like YouTube is reading your mind, rest assured that there's nothing sinister going on. It's just pragmatic marketing.

Here are some questions to ask yourself prior to advertising:

  • Who are your ideal customers?
  • What demographics do they fall into?
  • What interests or pain points do they have?
  • Where do they hang out online?
  • What other channels do they watch?

Answering these questions is crucial to ensuring that your ad reaches the right people and is effective.

One phenomenal way to research your target audience is to analyze their search behavior. TubeBuddy can teach you exactly what your ideal clients are searching for so you can best target them!

Demographic Targeting

There are a few different ways to target your ads on Youtube. The first is demographic targeting, which allows you to reach people based on factors like age, gender, parental status, and location. For example, who are you trying to reach with your ads? Are they male or female? What age range do they fall into?

Keyword Targeting

Keyword targeting can also help to improve the overall quality of your ad campaign by ensuring that ads are only shown to users interested in what you offer.

For example, an advertiser could target the keyword “cheap smartphones” or the phrase “best smartphone under $200.” This granular level of targeting ensures that ads are only shown to users interested in what the advertiser offers.

Secondly, keyword targeting on Youtube can help to improve your click-through rate (CTR). For example, a study found that viewers are 27 times more likely to click-through a keyword-targeted video ad than a standard display banner.

Interest Targeting

Interest targeting can also be a great way to reach a niche audience likely to be interested in what you offer.

For example, if you sell eco-friendly cleaning products, you might want to target people who are interested in sustainability or green living.

Remarketing or Retargeting

According to experts, retargeting is “the most powerful tool in advertising,” but it's often misunderstood or misused. 

The overall thesis is this: You're more likely to convert someone who already knows who you are!

For example, if someone has visited your website but didn't make a purchase, you can show them an ad on YouTube reminding them of your product and urging them to purchase.

You've probably experienced this before. Once you visit a website, you start seeing ads from that site everywhere – on Facebook, Instagram, and even YouTube. That's retargeting in action!

One study found that retargeted website visitors have a 47% increase in conversion rate. So, if you do it right, retargeting can be a powerful way to boost your business.

Youtube Scriptwriting

If you're looking to make money on YouTube without making videos, one way to do it is by writing scripts for video creators. This can be a great option if you have writing skills and are not interested in being in front of the camera yourself.

There are a few things to remember if you want to pursue this option. First, you need to be able to write engaging and entertaining scripts that will hold viewers' attention. Second, you need to be familiar with the YouTube platform and understand how videos go viral and become popular.

The Easiest Way To Write a Youtube Script

Anyone who has ever tried their hand at writing knows that it can be a difficult and time-consuming process. This is especially true when writing for YouTube, where creative ideas must be turned into engaging and entertaining scripts. Thankfully, there is an easy way to write YouTube scripts: by using Jasper.

Jasper is a unique AI tool that takes your ideas and transforms them into well-written scripts. Not only does this save you time, but it also ensures that your scripts are of the highest quality. Try Jasper here!

In addition, Jasper offers several Youtube specific templates to help you through the entire scriptwriting process:

  • Topic idea generation
  • Script outline
  • Engaging title generation
  • Script hooks & introductions
  • Video descriptions (so videos rank well in search)

It's an amazing tool and is our top pick for best AI script writer for good reason!

Why is There a Demand for YouTube Scriptwriters? 

In the YouTube universe, attention is currency, and those who can generate the most views and engagement will have the most Youtube earnings.  

The quality of a YouTube video is only as good as its script. A well-written and engaging script will keep viewers coming back for more, while a bad one will have them clicking off after just a few minutes.

Since more watch time equals more money, many YouTubers are willing to pay top dollar for well-crafted scripts. After all, it can be the difference between a video getting one million views or one hundred thousand views. 

How Much Can You Earn from YouTube Scriptwriting? 

Scripts for shorter videos (under five minutes) can fetch anywhere from $50 to $250, while scripts for longer videos (over ten minutes) can earn as much as $500 or more. Of course, your exact rate will depend on factors like your experience, the length of the script, and the popularity of the YouTuber you're working with. 

Typically, you can structure your rates on the:

  • Hourly rate
  • Per-script rate
  • Per word rate
  • Percentage of ad revenue earned from the video

You can charge higher rates if you have a strong portfolio and a solid reputation in the Youtube scriptwriting world. Testimonials from happy clients can also go a long way in boosting your rates.

How to Break into YouTube Scriptwriting 

If you have a background in writing and a knack for storytelling, scriptwriting can be a great way to make money on YouTube without making videos.

Here are some tips for getting started: 

  • Brush up on your scriptwriting skills. Read books, take online courses, or even enroll in a formal program.
  • Educate yourself. Watch popular Youtube videos in various niches and pay attention to the scripts' structure, tone, and style.
  • Network with YouTubers and offer your services as a scriptwriter. Start small by reaching out to smaller channels, and work your way up to bigger ones as you gain experience and credibility. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so don't be afraid to reach out and promote yourself.
  • Constantly improve and refine your skills. Keep a pulse on winning channels, seek feedback from clients, and stay up to date with the latest trends in the YouTube world.

Scriptwriting Tips

Fortunately, we've got some tips to help you get started.

The Problem, Conflict, or Challenge

When writing a script, the first step is to identify the problem, conflict, or challenge. Often, this problem is posed as a question at the beginning of the video and is answered by the end. Remember, YouTube is a social media site and a search engine; people will watch your video to solve a problem or answer a question. Therefore, this question should be the video's title and main focus.

The Takeaway

The second step is to determine the takeaway – what do you want the video to accomplish? What do you want the audience to come away from this video knowing or feeling? For example, if you are creating a tutorial, you want your viewers to come away with knowledge. If you are doing a review, you want them to understand the product. If your client's channel is a vlog, you want the viewer to come away with emotion.

Hook Your Viewers

Once you have determined the purpose of the video, you can create your hook. This part of the script will grab the viewer's attention and make them want to watch more.

Establish Why Viewers Should Watch

After the hook, it is important to give your viewers a clear picture of the problem and why they should care about it. This can be done through personal experiences or statistics, for example.

Create an Outline

First, outline the chapters or sections you want in the video. For example, if you're making a Top 10 list, list those ten items. Or, identify the key beats you want to hit if you're writing a script for a story-based video. This will give you a roadmap as you write the rest of the script. 

Flesh Out the Outline

Next, flesh out those ideas with specifics. What exactly are you going to say about each item on your list? What details will you include in your story? The more specific you can be, the better. Don't be afraid to inject personal anecdotes, humor, or even surprising information.

Delivery and Tone

Once you have the basic structure of your script down, it's time to start thinking about delivery. For example, how do you want your client to come across on camera? Relaxed and casual? Or more formal and informative? Speak with your client to determine their desired tone, and write your script accordingly.

End Strong

End your script with a strong conclusion and call to action. Maybe this means solving the problem posed in the beginning, or maybe it's as simple as asking viewers to like, subscribe, and share the video.

Where to Find Scriptwriting Jobs

There are a few places to look if you're looking for a job writing scripts for YouTube videos.

  • Freelance platforms: One option is to search for freelancers on Upwork or Fiverr.
  • Facebook groups: You can join groups dedicated to copywriting, such as Cult of Copy.
  • Direct outreach: Another option is to reach out to YouTubers directly and inquire about writing opportunities. Many YouTubers are open to collaboration, so this could be a great way to get your foot in the door.

Whatever route you decide to take, remember that perseverance and hard work are key to success in any field. Don't give up if you don't land a job immediately. Keep searching, and you'll find the perfect fit.

Thumbnail Creation Services

If you're in the business of creating YouTube thumbnails, then you know how important it is to make your clients' thumbnails stand out. With over a billion active users, YouTube is crowded, and a well-designed thumbnail can mean the difference between a video that gets lost in the shuffle and one that goes viral.

But it's super easy to get started using a free tool like Canva.

Thumbnail Creation Tips

Luckily, we've got some tips to help you create Youtube thumbnails to help your clients grow their channels and stand out from the crowd.

Include a human face

A study found that images containing a human face were significantly more likely to be clicked on than images without a human face. If you can find a way to incorporate a human face into your thumbnail—even if it's just a headshot—you're more likely to get clicks. 

Have a Compelling Title 

Your title should be reflective of the content in your video, and it should be something that will make people want to watch it. A good rule of thumb is to keep your titles short, sweet, and to the point. A title like “5 Tips for Curating the Perfect Gallery Wall” is much more likely to get clicked on than a title like “Things I've Been Up To Lately.” Be creative and think of something catchy that will leave people wanting more.

Be Eye-catching

A thumbnail is a tiny snapshot that speaks volumes. And just like any good snapshot, a successful thumbnail must be bright and contrasting. The reason for this is two-fold: 

  1. Bright and contrasting colors are more eye-catching than subdued or muted color schemes.
  2. Bright and contrasting colors convey more emotional information than their more subdued counterparts. 

For example, imagine you’re scrolling through YouTube, and you come across two thumbnails: one is a close-up of a person scowling, while the other is a wide shot of a beach with blue skies and sunshine. Which one are you more likely to click on?

The sunny beach scene is more inviting than the first individual's stern expression.

Evoke emotion

When emotions are involved, we're more likely to take notice and act on something, including clicking on thumbnails. Emotions like happiness, excitement, desire/seduction, sadness, anger, disgust, fear, anticipation, and curiosity are all powerful motivators.

Use Numbers 

Lists are irresistible. Just think about all those times you've clicked on a link simply because it had a number in the title (“10 Ways to…” “5 Tips for…” “3 Tricks to…”). The use of numbers immediately tells the viewer that they will get value from watching your video. It also creates a sense of urgency—after all, who doesn't want to know the top 10 ways to do something? 

Use a Cliffhanger 

People are naturally curious creatures. We want to know what happens next, which is why cliffhangers work so well in TV shows and movies (we're looking at you, Breaking Bad).

You can use this natural curiosity to your advantage by promising viewers something amazing, jaw-dropping, or life-changing in your thumbnail copy or headline. For example, “You won't believe what happens next!” or “This will change everything you know about….” 

Make sure that whatever you promise delivers—nothing will lose viewers faster than unfulfilled expectations.

Relevance to the video topic and tone

Your thumbnail should be relevant to the topic of your video, and it should match the tone of the video itself. For example, if you're doing a “scary stories” type of video, featuring a thumbnail image with a scared facial expression can help entice viewers to click on your video. 

Deconstructing Thumbnail Service Providers

If you want people to hire you to create thumbnails, you need to have a portfolio—a collection of your previous work that prospective clients can browse through. Not sure where to start? Check out some of the top YouTubers in your niche and see if you can reverse-engineer their thumbnails.

How Much Can You Make Creating Thumbnails?

It depends on your level of expertise, the demand for thumbnails in your niche, and the amount of time you're willing to put into finding clients. Some content creators offer services starting at $5 per thumbnail, while others charge upwards of $25 or more. 

There are several ways to monetize your thumbnail design skills. For example, you can sell pre-made thumbnails in marketplaces like Creative Market or Etsy. Or you can offer your services directly to content creators through freelance marketplaces like Fiverr or Upwork.

You could even create and sell your own online thumbnail design course! The sky's the limit. 

If you want to learn more about how to make a course, here's a detailed guide.

How To Make Money On Youtube Without Making Videos: Final Thoughts

You don't need to be a famous vlogger or have millions of subscribers to make money on YouTube. In the past, the most common way to make money on YouTube was by creating and growing a channel. However, this is no longer the only pathway to those coveted Youtube dollars.

Most strategies revolve around paid opportunities, such as partnering with influencers or promoting products and services through paid traffic. But you can also make money on YouTube without making videos by offering your skills, such as scriptwriting using a tool like Jasper or creating thumbnails for other content creators.

So, don't let a lack of on-camera presence stop you from exploring the various ways to make money on YouTube. Happy earning!

The post How To Make Money On Youtube Without Making Videos: 4 Profitable Methods appeared first on Niche Pursuits.