How Shane Sams Became a Millionaire By Reversing The Usual Approach To Bootstrapping An Online Business

Would you like to learn how to launch a successful product?

Shane Sams prioritizes building a product to sell before building an audience.

And his practical and surprisingly unique approach in the online world is one that you don't want to miss.

He was a high school teacher who realized the ‘job life' wouldn't cut it. He craved freedom.

So just like most of us, he started learning about making money online by listening to podcasts like Niche Pursuits.

He eventually created a few products about topics he knew (teaching and coaching football) and slapped them on a website.

This product-first approach snowballed, and his site generated tens of thousands of dollars per month.

He simply leveraged his experience to create a money-making offer to help a small, relevant niche of people.

This win-win strategy made him a millionaire, and he now helps others do the same.

His story has it all, and he shares tons of awesome advice with infectious energy.

There's even a special bonus at the end – so hope you listen and start building momentum today!

Topics Shane Sams Covers

  • What made him pursue online businesses
  • Making $0.11
  • The importance of small victories
  • Learning from mistakes and failures
  • Growing an email list
  • The compounding effects of doing a little each day
  • Diversifying and repurposing content
  • The importance of having something to sell first
  • Life-work lifestyle
  • Recurring revenue
  • Selling yourself and your unique offerings
  • How every niche can have a course or community aspect
  • The beauty of niching down
  • Creating multiple streams of income
  • Keeping energy high
  • Answering questions and connecting people
  • And more…

This Episode is Sponsored by Search Intelligence &

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Jared: Welcome to the Niche Pursuits podcast. Today we are joined by Shane Sams with flipped Shane has a really cool backstory in terms of how he got to doing what he's doing today. Shane was a school teacher. Both him and his wife were school teachers in, um, small town Kentucky. Looking for a way to get out of the daily grind of, uh, of working for the man as he, as he says.

And, um, his, his story and his path to get there is a really cool story that I think has a lot of different inspiration for all of us who are building websites. Starting side hustles. In essence, Shane kind of flipped the model a bit on its head. He started with his product and then went about trying to figure out how to market it.

He was able to quit his job, his wife was able to quit his job, and they did it on the back of providing, uh, basically a platform for first librarians and then history teachers and, uh, football coaches. And, uh, by giving them and, and offering them and selling them resources for their job, they were.

Different problems that they knew really well about because of the school teaching life they had come from. Fast forward, Shane and his wife sold that for, uh, over a million dollars. He walks us through, uh, how he grew that, how he picks products, how he monetized products, how he grew these products, some really great insights that you could probably apply to your site, hustle, your website.

He now runs flip, where he coaches and helps people do that very same thing, whether it's start with ideation or move into execution. I ask him a lot of questions about how to figure out the different types of products that are available for you to sell and which one to go after, how to actually pick, how to grow that, et cetera, et cetera.

So, I think we spend a lot of time, rightfully so, talking about how to get an audience today. We talk about how to sell to the audience no matter whether it's large or that it's small, how to find a good product, market fit, how to build that product, how to launch that product, and Shane just has a ton of energy as he shares all these different strategies to do so.

Hope you enjoy. Introducing niche Are you looking to scale your niche site portfolio or build your first website? Look no further than niche With a portfolio of successful websites and over 700 plus satisfied clients. The have the skills and experience to help you.

From keyword research to link building content writing to done for you websites. Niche offers a full range of services to help your content site grow. As the thing goes, a trial is worth more than a thousand words, and they're offering a special trial just for new customers. You get 5,000 words of content completely free with your order of 10,000 plus traffic.

Don't miss this opportunity. Head on over to niche and take advantage of this amazing trial offer. Again, it's niche sites, plural. Niche Go claim your free content today. Before we jump into the podcast, I wanted to let you know that today's episode is sponsored by Search Intelligence.

Here's a short clip of Ferry from Search Intelligence showing you how their agency built digital PR links to a client's website. What a crazy 

Shane: campaign. How to Sleep on Your Back. This campaign got us links in Huffington Post Glamor Magazine. And lots of other great news publications. Let me show you how we've done it.

It was so simple. Our sleep client provided us with expert commentary about how to train yourself to fall asleep on your back. They also gave advice on why it's best to sleep on your back. Once we've had this information, we went to MACRA and search for journalists that consistently write about sleep and wellbeing.

We've sent these journalists, the advice provided by the client and within one, The links started flowing in Glamor Magazine. A Dr. R 81 website. Picked it up. Huffington Boast, Dr. 88 Mira UK, D R 90, A massive avalanche of links blasted to our client's website with this simple yet effective campaign about how to sleep on your back.

I hope this inspires and I hope you'll use this technique to land massive links to your or your client's. 

Jared: If you want similar link building PR campaigns for your website, head to search and get in touch with them now.

Shane: All right. Welcome 

Jared: back to the Niche Pursuits Podcast. My name is Jared Batman. Today we're joined by Shane Sams. 

Shane: Shane, welcome on. Jared, man, thank you so much for having me, man. I have been a, I have actually been a longtime listener of this podcast, uh, and I'll tell you more about that in a minute, like how I stumbled across it back at the beginning of my journey.

So it's really cool to be here. 

Jared: It, it's always a good start when we hear that someone who's on as a guest has been a listener. That that's kind of, I mean, that's how I started. I was listening to podcasts for a long time, became friends with Spencer and. Here I'm hosting it. So Well, um, give us some backstory.

I mean, we're gonna be talking about several of your different online successes today, and it's a really cool story as you and I have kind of gone back and forth to, to get this agenda built out. But Sure. Maybe catch us up to your first foray and online and, and, and maybe you know, a little bit about that niche 

Shane: pursuit story,

Yeah, man, you know, I didn't start out being an online. Business entrepreneur, guru guy, whatever it was. You know, I actually, you know, uh, used to be a school teacher in southeast Kentucky. Mm-hmm. , and, um, just going about my life, man. I was on that railroad track to retirement, baby. Gimme that pension. That's all I need, son.

40 years in and you're good to go. That's right. That's right. I was ready. I had it marked off 53 and a third. That's all I needed to do, baby. And I was out baby. I was gonna start a lawn mowing business or something after that, . But, uh, I, I went, I, what happened was, you know, like a lot of working parents, man, me and my wife used daycare.

Um, at the time my daughter, she was about two years old, she went to one daycare center and my son Isaac, he went to this other daycare center and uh, one day in the parking lot as I was dropping off my son. Um, he was fighting me. He was like, no, daddy, I wanna stay with daddy today. And I was like, son, I'm gonna be late for work.

I'm never late for work. What are you doing dude? And he's like, no, daddy, no daddy. I wanna stay with daddy today. And I'm like, son, I, I teach high school juniors, man, they will burn down the building or like, make babies or something if they don't have adult supervision. Right? And I was like, and he is like, but all of a sudden he goes, no daddy, no daddy.

No daddy, no daddy. She scares me. Oh boy. And um, And I would find out later that there was a lot of like horrific like, uh, abuse going on in this daycare center. It was not sexual or anything like that. They were punishing kids like one kid, uh, in the newspaper that this lady was holding him down on the ground and sitting on him with a beanbag chair until he would behave.

Oh my goodness. Yeah. And I, and we would find out much later that, um, my son, um, was being locked in a bathroom in the dark for hours at a time. Wow. Now, Jared, I did not know this. This minute in the parking lot. I just knew my son was calling out for help and I actually, um, got, uh, the, I took Isaac to another, the other daycare center where my daughter was, and left him there for a minute.

And I tried, cuz I couldn't, I tried to call work and couldn't get ahold of anybody. So I, I went th there, I said, I've gotta investigate this, I'll be right back. Um, I went to work and I asked my supervisor for the day off. And she said no. She said, you don't have any proof that anything's going on. Your son's not in immediate danger right now.

And, um, she said, I know your son needs you, but your job needs you to, and you're gonna have to handle your personal problems after work, Mr. Sams. And dude, in that moment, man, I realized I had made a horrific trade. I, I, I had traded all of my freedom for a paycheck. I had given someone permission to tell me.

That my work was more important than my child in my life. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . So that's kind of what sent me down this rabbit hole of, I need to go and start an online business, or I need to start some kind of business. I didn't know it was gonna be on the internet at the time, but what I started doing was what a lot of people, maybe what your listeners are doing right now.

I started listening to podcasts and I, I started listening to a couple different podcasts. The one that really inspired me at first. Was, uh, the Smart Passive Income Podcast by Pat Flynn. I, Pat's a great mentor friend, coach of mine. Now we've become so close over the years and like I, I was mowing my grass one day, dude.

I was on a lawnmower and I hurt you like the lawnmower, by the way. Oh, dude, I'm telling you man, I'm a That must be your happy spot in a Saturday. That's my happy. Hey, gimme a cigar in a lawnmower. Get outta my way. You know what I'm saying? That's all I need. And uh, so I'm out on this lawnmower cutting my grass one day and I hear Pat tell his original story of.

He was an architect. He started a blog, people started listening and he created this PDF study guide for the architect licensing exam. And uh, he put it out there and he sold it for like 19 bucks and he got 416 people to pay him $19. And I was like, oh my gosh, that's incredible. If I could just get a hundred people to pay me $50 a.

Then that would replace me and my wife's salary and we could quit our jobs. I can do an online business too now. I did not succeed. I did. I was a total miserable failure bro for the first few months and I had made no money online and I was like, my wife was getting frustrated with me. Nothing was working.

Pat Flynn and everybody else was a scammer trying to rip me off. Like, you know, all the nine yards that we all go through in our journey. Right. And then here's what's sunny. This is where niche pursuits kind of came in. So I was frustrated and, and I was telling Jocelyn, there's gotta be a way. And she kept saying, if you don't prove you can make money online and we gotta stop this, right?

Yeah. So I was de determined to make, I didn't care how much I made, I just wanted to prove that you could make money online. So we're going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee with our kids one. We're driving back and there was a detour and it took me down into the mountains. I'd never been down these roads. I thought, I mean, I was hearing banjo music.

I mean, it was crazy, man. We've got in the middle of nowhere, but I was listening to niche pursuits and I heard. Him talking about, I heard it was back when Spencer was host and I heard him talking about how people were blogging and not trying to sell stuff. They were just trying to put ads on websites and get clicks and you would get a commission, like a Google ad or something, right?

And I was like, oh wait, well that sounds easier than what I'm trying right now. Let me go and see if I can do that. So I. Spammed up a website blog I had been working on where I was giving away worksheets for US history. Right. And I was trying to get someone to click an ad just cuz if I could just prove to j my wife that someone could make money online, then she would like, not make me stop

Right. So I was trying to like, I'll, I'll take a dollar. I don't care. Right. Anything. And, um, so I'm, uh, one night I'm sitting in bed and I'm so frustrated and I, and I got this idea from, but I got that idea from his pursuits and I, but I still couldn't get an ad click. I couldn't get, get traffic. I couldn't get anything to, it was terrible, man.

And like, so I, one night I just slammed my computer and I was about to give up and I got real frustrated and I, and I went in my bathroom and got ready for bed. And then I was like, you know what? I'm gonna, I'm, I'm gonna get back on there and check one more time. We've all been there at midnight, right?

Looking for that next download. looking for that. So here's what happened. I opened the computer and it was a zero, just like it had always been in my Aen account, and I hit refresh and wear a zero. Now remember up until this point, dude, I hadn't made a dime online. I was praying to God, give me a sign, baby.

Just give me something. I ain't made a dime on the internet. I hit refresh and the screen comes back up and where a zero had been there. Now there was 11 cents. There was a diamond, a penny. And man, you'd have thought I'd have made 11 million. Jared. I jumped up and I said, I got my ditch baby. I got my penny and my die.

And I started celebrating and going nuts. And then that's when Jocelyn looked at it and was like, oh my gosh. Like what if that had, you know, there's 8 billion people on the planet. Like, what if that had been a million people? Click that link and give me 11 cents. And said, well, pat was selling these PDFs and other people are selling these products.

We're teachers. What if we sold lesson plans? So we started this lesson plan website. Jocelyn started a podcast called Elementary Librarian Podcast, elementary librarians. We started a website called elementary, which we would later sell. Um, but then she started selling lesson plans, man, for 50 bucks a month and guess.

The first monthly we launched to a little baby email list of 250 people. We made $2,500 in a single month, and then it just kept growing and growing. Like three months later was 5,000. July the next year was 13, uh, 15,000. And then in August of 2013, in one month selling lesson plans to librarians. We made 36.

Thousand dollars. We were also selling other products at the time. I had a football coaching playbook that made 7,000 bucks. I started a website called US History Teachers, where we were selling lesson plans to teachers, and that was making monthly recurring revenue, and all of a sudden we just, it just exploded because we took what we had already learned.

Put it in a format to serve people and solve a problem. And they were buying it and using it in their area of life, and we were making bankman. So, you know, by September of 2013, um, we were making enough money on the internet to quit our jobs. And I, I actually got to walk in, in the same office. My boss told me, I know your son needs you, but your job needs you too.

I got to look at my boss in the eye and say, I don't need your job anymore, . And uh, and we've been full-time online entrepreneurs ever. 

Jared: There are so many threads in that story that have got a touch on pretty much everybody listening, whether it's the realization that you don't wanna keep trading time for money, um, and certainly starting your own endeavor is trading time for money.

But instead, you are gaining freedom, you are gaining flexibility, you are gaining opportunities, uh, for future increase, and then. I mean, man, how many, every one of us has stared at the screen wondering when this isn't gonna actually work. And so if you're still on the front end of this journey, know that that is probably coming as well.

And then the euphoria of something as simple as a diamond, a penny, , 

Shane: you gotta, you have to, what I have learned, and this is where we find even with our students and people we coach now, like. The people who succeed know how to celebrate small victories because they're not comparing themselves to everyone else.

They're on their journey. They're focused on their journey. They're focused on their next step, their progress, their improvement. They're getting better, and you know, If you celebrate the little successes you're gonna get to the big successes. Um, but the people who get frustrated and see a lot of people will look at us now and they'll try to do what we're doing now, but that's impossible.

You can't look at anyone and, and try to do what they're doing. You've gotta do what they did. Mm-hmm. you, you've gotta grind and you've gotta get your first 11 cents, your first $11, your first 1100, and you better look in the mirror with a smile every time that happens. That's what's gonna keep you going so that you can get to the place that you're trying to get.

Jared: Question for you. Your success? What did switch it? I mean, certainly you talked about the internal validation of actually seeing you make a little bit, a very little bit of money online, but what was it that switched? Um, certainly you didn't just come up with a librarian, uh, uh, uh, you know, kind of PDF or downloadable and bam, that was that.

Like how did you actually get that off the ground and, and, and contractable, I. Yeah, 

Shane: I, I'll tell, I'll tell you what was really good about that business in particular was when Jocelyn and me started working together, we had the great benefit of all the failures I had already had, like, like all the things that didn't work taught me and got me to what did work.

Because you know, I'm a football coach, man. That's kind of how football coaching works. Like my first year as a head coach, man, I was oh and 10. I was a terrible coach when I started out. But the next year we were two and. And then the next year we were three and seven, and then we were six and five, and then we were eight and two.

And like we learned from all the mistakes we made in the past. And like, I would not trade the first six months of me running into a brick wall for anything because that allowed us to have the persistence and the, uh, courage to basically just go throw mud on the wall and see what sticks. But when I went back, when, when we, when we looked at that 11 cents and I said, What happened here?

I realized some things were happening, like one on that blog, that original thing. It was like called US History Worksheets or something, and I was giving away worksheets. I started like kind of blogging and I was being more consistent. So that was the first thing. Mm-hmm. was, I was consistent with it. And then once Jocelyn kind of gave me that ultimatum of, you've gotta make some money online, or we're gonna stop this, right?

We gotta quit this. Right? I realized that I had to think about my business every day, so I had to be prolific, right? And then even in that final moment when I was checking those stats one more time, I realized to be an entrepreneur, you kind of have to be relentless. Like you just can't quit. Like it doesn't matter.

You can't give up. So we took that and we looked at what Pat did. I studied what other people were doing with podcasting and blogging and other things, and I realized that there was only really a couple things that people were doing differently. One, they were being ultra consistent. People were releasing blogs, podcasts, or you, or videos every week.

So I was like, we've gotta have this podcast. Every week that librarian can count on. So Jocelyn started this blog in his podcast and started being super consistent, right? And then we started, uh, being what we call prolific. We realized we had to have a list. It wasn't enough to have listeners, it wasn't enough to have social media followers.

I can tell you right now. Any influencer you follow is probably broke. Like I don't care if you, I, I know so many people with 500,000 Facebook followers that make less than $500 a month. It's embarrassing, right? You've gotta be prolific in gathering the people from the audience into an email list, into a contact list, and then you've gotta be, Prolific about talking to them every day.

Like we email our list probably five days a week even today. And that's what we started doing. We started emailing those librarian like, what are you working on in class today? What do you need help with? How can we serve you? And we, and we treated it like when we had one person on the email list, it was the same as 100 or 1000.

We didn't matter. We were serving those people at the highest level possible. And. A buddy of mine named Chris Ducker, um, he's got, he's an, he's got a brand called U Printer. He is a great guy. He, uh, he told me one time something I'll never forget. You've gotta be seen to sell. Are you selling every day? Are you giving someone somewhere the chance?

I don't care if you got one person or a thousand, the chance to buy your products. So we started having webinars. We started having weekly emails out to join our memberships, and we started. Started saying, Hey, give us $49 a month. We'll give you access to all of our lesson plans and you can go use 'em in your classroom and you'll, you'll have an easier day.

You can go home at three o'clock. You don't have, you can play with your kids. Instead of planning lessons. We started marketing and selling every single day and we were just relentless with getting the next customer, and that's what built the momentum is when we just decided worth rolling the ball down the.

And the avalanche is starting and we're gonna ride the wave. So Jocelyn every week released a podcast every day, got people to join her list, every posted stuff on social media, and just was relentless with going out there and finding customers. So when we got that little list of 250 people, Know, and we say a little list, but what if 250 people were in the car with you right now, or in your bedroom or in your laundry room, wherever you're listening to this podcast on the lawnmower with you on the lawnmower chasing you behind like Forrest Gump when he was running, right?

Like it, you would be freaking out. Cause there'd be 250 people around. Like most people couldn't speak in front of 250 people, right? Because they'd be so nervous. So like when we saw that, we were like, there's 250 people, human beings there we've gotta sell to and help. And that's what really did it. It was all those mistakes, being consistent, being prolific, being relentless, and just doing three simple things like release a podcast, email the list, sell your stuff.

Right. That's, that's the three things that really turned it around for us. It wasn't just throw mud on the wall anymore. There was a. 

Jared: Well, and there was, I think, a plan that's worth calling out because we have a lot of people that come on this podcast that maybe are singular focused in the channels they're pursuing.

Right. Um, I'm gonna do a website and I'm gonna write content for that website. Uh, not that that's wrong, but certainly it seems like a lot of your quick ascension into success. I mean, you were doing podcasting, you were doing blogging, you were doing um, course creation, you were doing social media, you were doing email.

Why do you think that was important, and why do you think that you were able to connect all those things where a lot of other people will say, I'm gonna get the website going and get it really successful first, then I'll add an email in, then I'll do this, then I'll do that. Like, why did you choose to do all of those at once?

And, you know, what would you say to someone who maybe is struggling to even do one of them? 

Shane: Well, so you, you can only do one thing at a time, but you can do different things on every day, right? So what we did was we religious laid it out like this. Number one, we. Flipped what you just said. We thought product first.

Yeah. We put, we put a lot of time into, well wait a minute, if we're gonna do, do all this stuff online, we have to be selling something all the time. So what are we gonna sell? And we started working on. We're gonna sell lesson plans. We're gonna set this up where we've got the thing done. If you're selling a course, you've gotta record the course.

If you're selling a coaching program, you have got to have a Zoom link ready to go to sign up your first pro. Like when someone came to the door, we wanted to be ready to sell them something. We needed that PayPal order form ready to go, right? Mm-hmm. . So we went product first. Well, now that we know what we're, so, that was the one thing we did first.

Now it was like, how do we tell people. About this product. So then we decided that we would do these things, you know, like for example, take a podcast, you know, a podcast for Jocelyn, started with a blog post. Okay. So she would write basically a blog post that was like her script. Okay. And then she would just publish the blog post.

There's a blog post you've got into the microphone. She recorded the video. Put the video on YouTube, put the podcast over there. You're not doing triple the work guys. You're doing one thing. Like if you, if you're a good podcaster, you're writing an agenda out and you're gonna say that into the microphone, turn on the camera, you now have a YouTube video, a podcast, and a blog post right there.

So we really learned early on about batching and also how to like explode content out into the marketplace. Then for social media, like social media is not complicated. Set up your. On Monday, share that same blog post on Facebook on Tuesday. Share it on Twitter on Wednesday, share it on Pinterest on Thursday, it shared on LinkedIn.

By the end of the week, you've hit five or six of the major podcast networks. I mean, we weren't doing, we were working full-time and raising kids when we were building our business. I didn't have time to work eight hours a day on my business. I had like 30 minutes at night after football practice. So like we just kind of laid it out like what's the one thing we can do every day to make the.

Move forward, but having the product done is what made everything easier because we knew what we were selling. This is the mistake people make. They wanna go get 50,000 followers on TikTok, and they think they're gonna make mad ads, money selling t-shirts, or that they're gonna make money on ads. TikTok ain't paying you a penny.

They might not even, you might not make a dime a penny on that, you know what I mean? You gotta have something for sell and, and then all of your strategy then points toward that. So start product first. Don't try to do, you're not doing everything. You're doing one thing a day. What are you doing today that's gonna move the needle forward?

And then I have this saying, I tell everybody and my, all my students, you wanna be online? The glacier, not the prairie fire. You know, we, every, every year we hear about, you know, wildfires out in California and all this stuff comes on the news. And then two weeks later they put the fire out and it's all gone.

Nobody, everybody forgets. But those glaciers that are up in the in, in the north, man, those things have been here for eons and they will be here long after we're all dead. And that's how we view our business. I don't have to scale the fastest. I wanna make the most and be here the longest. So one snowflake at a time, we're gonna start building that glacier moving forward.

And it just changes your mindset. You don't get in a hurry. Because you're not coming from it at a state of desperation. You're coming from it from inspiration, right? Uh, so if you do those things, it, yeah, you can do 10 things at once. You just do one a day and eventually it adds up into a little audience, and then you go out and you start selling 'em that thing you already created.

Jared: So where is this, uh, this educational empire at today? I mean, what, where, where did you end up taking that? Yeah. Um, you talked about US history teachers, you talked about librarians. I mean, you had a podcast, you have a, so where is all that today? Cause I do, I know you have other things going on that we're gonna talk about as well.

Maybe catch us up to like where, 

Shane: where it's at. So what happened was, you know, after we quit our. I'm from a small town in southeast Kentucky. Like it, you, you quit your job with your wife quitting her job in the middle of a school week and you go to church on Sunday. It's gonna be some weird questions to get outta church on Sunday.

Right? And like, you know, everybody was like freaking out, like, and well, why did you do this? What are you doing? What are you doing? Um, but what happened was one person, um, at church actually asked us, how, how did you do that? And how can I do it too? And um, her name was Lindsay and she just said, told Jocelyn.

She said, Hey, I'd love to homeschool our kids, but we've just looked at the finances and the budgets and we can't do it on one salary. But do you think I could do some stuff like you're doing? So Jocelyn helped her make some products. At first she sold like some stuff in Jocelyn's membership and then she started doing some other freelancing and things online.

We taught her how to make content. We taught her how to do all those things. And she put together a nice little online income and quit her job. And, uh, and she's homeschooled her kids ever since. And one day her, uh, husband came up to me at church and he said, dude, what you taught us changed our life. It changed our family's future.

And I just wanted to thank you guys. I don't think we really thanked you guys for doing. And then Jocelyn and I realized that, you know, like, man, what we know is, and what we figured out kind of is really good for like family focused people. Like me and Jocelyn are a couple with kids. You know, we're, we're not single entrepreneurs running around Southeast California or whatever, or Southwest California.

You know, we're not, we're not those people. Like, we figured out how to do this in a kind of different way. And um, and it worked for Lindsay and we kind of wondered would this work for other people? And we started helping other people. And wouldn't, you know it, people started quitting their jobs. People started making side hustles.

People started making money on the internet and you know, we didn't think anything of it at first, but we, the more people that kept asking us for help, we said, we probably should start a podcast about this. And we actually flew out to San Diego to a mastermind with Pat Flynn. And, uh, and we kind of told him about it and he is like, yeah, you guys got a good vibe.

You guys could start, should start a podcast or something and talk about it. So we did. And it really grew like wildfire. I mean, um, it was, it's actually called Flipped Lifestyle. The reason it's called that, there's a couple reasons, but one of 'em is when I quit my job, my mom doesn't really understand how the internet works, and she got mad at me.

She was like, you gave up your good job, your education, retirement. She said, son, you have flipped out. You have lost your mind. And she got mad at me, didn't talk to me for a couple weeks right after I quit my job. And I told Jocelyn, I was like, you know what? We kind of have flipped out. We flipped the world upside down.

Like everybody says, work life balance, we say. Work balance. Everybody says, you gotta make your income working for somebody. We say you can work for yourselves. Like, we flipped the whole world upside down. So we called it flipped lifestyle cause my mom thought I was crazy. That's why we named it that . And um, and it really took off and, and we kind of felt like it was a calling, like to go and help people, you know, find and use their God-given gifts.

So we made a decision, um, in 2017 to sell elementary and shut down that. Uh, my football coaching business because we had been out of the workforce then for about four years. I was bored talking to football coaches. Jocelyn was bored talking to librarians. It just wasn't our thing. So we, uh, went out, we sold it to a company, um, an education company for $1.1 million.

Nice exit. Congratulations. Appreciate that, man. It was, it was crazy. I mean, you know, just see all those zeros hit my bank account that would've get this, that would've taken me 36 years as a school teacher to make that much money. Well, would've had it. Cause I don't 

Jared: wanna be overly ironic, but the first thing I thought is 1.1 million is quite the multiple of 11 cents.

Shane: I'd never thought about that. That Oh, that is true. That is amazing. I have ne I have never thought 

Jared: about that before. Your first, uh, your first 11 cents. Really multi. 

Shane: That was 11. This was 1, 0, 0, 0, 0. Yeah. I gotcha. You, man. You did add a lot of zeros at the end of that. That's unbelievable. I've never thought about how, I never thought about that.

That's pretty good, dude. , but, uh, but we, so we sold that. And, um, you know, we just kind of went all in on flip lifestyle. We started having live events, we started doing those things. Um, I still do own US history teachers. Um, we have a homeschool site, uh, that we're launch, uh, as well to help, uh, homeschool kids learn history.

Um, and we've got a bunch of other little side things too. Like we have side hustles that I don't always talk about because you gotta keep a few things in your back pocket, Jared, you know what I'm saying? Right? That's right. That's right. Yeah, man. But so what you still do, we practice what we preach. We drink our own Kool-Aid and we still run online businesses on the side.

Yeah. The main focus for us now is just helping families, helping people find and use their gifts, go out, serve other people, teach 'em how to launch courses, coaching programs, communities, memberships. I'm, I'm really known for memberships. We're a big believer in recurring revenue because that gives you so much stability in your life when you know what you're making next month, you know?

And, um, yeah, that's what we do now, man. We just go around the country and teach classes and help people start their own thing, find their. Since we're on niche pursuits, baby, that's I was gonna say, 

Jared: before we jump into the podcast, I wanted to let you know that today's episode is sponsored by Search Intelligence.

Here's a short clip of Ferry from Search Intelligence showing you how their agency built digital PR links to a client's website. 

Shane: What a crazy campaign. How to Sleep on Your Back. This campaign got us links in Huffington Post Glamor Magazine. And lots of other great news publications. Let me show you how we've done it.

It was so simple. Our sleep client provided us with expert commentary about how to train yourself to fall asleep on your back. They also gave advice on why it's best to sleep on your back. Once we've had this information, we went to MACRA and search for journalists that consistently write about sleep and wellbeing.

We've sent these journalists, the advice provided by the client and within one, The links started flowing in Glamor Magazine, a D r 81 website. Picked it up. Huffington Boast, Dr. 88 Mira UK, D R 90, A massive avalanche of links blasted to our client's website with this simple yet effective campaign about how to sleep on your back.

I hope this inspires and I hope you'll use this technique to land massive links to your or your client's. 

Jared: If you want similar link building PR campaigns for your website, head to search and get in touch with them now. , I get you for at least another 20 minutes now to pick your brain about what the listeners here can learn from, and I, I, you've already said it.

So I want to kick off the second half of this interview by asking you about this. You flipped the model on its head in that you went product first, right? And now in your. , and you talk a lot about memberships. You talk about how you're educating all these people on how to flip their own work life balance with side hustling and and whatnot.

I. Talk to people about how they can get maybe outta their own head with what they have going right now, and think about switching the way that they approach their product and their sales cycle switch the way that they go about approaching, coming up with a product. For many people listening, they have a website, they have an expertise, they have a niche, but they don't have a product.

They're maybe relying on ad revenue. They're maybe relying on, uh, affiliate commissions where they're sending business to other people's products. I, I, I just would love to hear your take on how to get outta your own way and maybe flip the 

Shane: model like you. Yeah, man. So like when you, all right. First of all, we all know that you're gonna have to have an audience eventually.

Okay? Everyone knows that. So put it aside. A lot of people teach you to get the audience first, because quite frankly, it's easy to teach people to go post on social media. That's all you gotta teach people if you're teaching that. So put that to the side. We can come back to that in a minute. Now, let's just think about the product.

You know, when we say the product, our mind immediately goes to like courses, like communities, like coaching, like whatever it is, the, I don't. Supplements, whatever you're selling, right? But that's not really what we're talking about. You are the product. You are the differentiator. You have God-given gifts, you have knowledge, you have things that you love.

You have hobbies, you have passions, you have, uh, things that you've learned. You have things that you know, like, like your school, right? Like a lot of our people lean into their education. Like for example, I was a history teacher. I sold history, lesson plans. Pretty cool, right? I used what I already had. And you also have, um, what we call things you've lived through experiences like you.

Wisdom. You ha you've been through valleys and you've figured out how to survive and get out the other side. Those are your products, the things you've loved, the things you've learned, the things you've lived through, the things that you know how to do. That's where your products are gonna come from. Now, if you think about it that way, if you think okay.

I already have everything I need to come up with an idea for an online business, for a product. Okay, what's the next logical step? Now I've gotta look at the, the, the person that I'm gonna serve. Who is the, who can I help with this thing I already know? And you're gonna start thinking about problems that you've solved and how you can guide people to solve their other problems.

And then that's naturally gonna turn. Oh, well they need lesson plans cuz they, they're going home at night, they're working two hours at night after they get off work and now their kids don't get played with because they're doing. So if I make their lesson plan for them, I take all the history that I know, put it into these plans, bell to bell instruction, and now I deliver that online basically in a course suite, right?

Like you would do a course, then they can go out and they can do the thing. It may be maybe somebody is going through, uh, they're a single mom and they've just become a single mom, but I was a single mom and my kids are raised and I'm doing this well, I could coach that person through being a single mom, so they don't have.

Suffer as much as I did. Right? And we see all these different ideas that come through our community and they're crazy. They all kind of fit in that thing. You start with something you already have, you figure out who you can solve a problem for, and then you make that product. We got a guy named Kenny Trio and uh, he is a, he loves chickens.

Like he just freaking loves chickens and like he raises chickens in his backyard in San Diego suburbs. So he is a backyard chicken raisin crazy guy, right? And he basically was like, do you. I know how to breathe chickens. I know how to keep chickens alive. Can I make a course? And then a community where other backyard chicken rais crazy people could talk to each other.

And I'm like, yeah, cuz you can solve that problem. Like people get chickens and coyotes eat 'em or they die or whatever. Dude, he starts a, an online business. He starts a podcast about chickens. He starts a community for chicken breeders. And it's all about raising backyard chickens. The dude's doing 90 k a.

Talking about chickens cuz he solved a problem for those people. So that's, that's where we start. We start with what's, what's your God-given gift? Your, the, the things you love as a gift, the things you've already lived through as a gift, the things you've already learned as a gift. Don't come up with anything new, right?

Put that out in the world, but for a person, create the product. And now all you gotta do is tell people about it. Well, guess what? Kenny figured out there's other people. That talk about, uh, suburb agriculture. There's other podcasts, there's other YouTube channels. He connected with them and was a guest on their podcast, and then they came and listened to his podcast and now the audience builds.

And, and from the first day, the first person that shows up, he has a button they can click to give him 50 bucks a month. So that's why we do the product first. So start with what you already have. Start with, then go to who you can help, then productize it, turn it into something that you can deliver on the internet.

And now it's just now you, now you go back to the audience, the fun stuff where we try to build people and get people to know about the product. 

Jared: You still have to build the audience, but you are doing an actor eventually. Eventually, yeah. Eventually. Okay. Um, yeah, because 

Shane: if you do it backwards, here's what happens.

Let's imagine you're opening a store. Let's, let's say, say you're a knife guy. You love knives. I'm not a knife guy. Jared, you look like a knife guy. I don't know. Maybe you're starting a knife store, okay? And you're like, I collect knives. And you're like, so you go out and you buy all the marketing. You buy ads in every newspaper on Facebook.

Let's say you go and rent the building, you put up shelves, you put a grand opening in two weeks, sign up. You do all this stuff and you create. So much buzz. The, the line for the knife store is a mile long. Everybody's there on opening day. It looks like back in the day when they'd release Halo and 500 people go to GameStop, right?

And like all this happens, you open the door, everyone pours in. You didn't order knives. That you just lost everything you've built. It's all gone. They're, they're gonna leave and they're not gonna believe you again when you say, Hey, the knives finally got here, right? Mm-hmm. , that's what people do on the internet, man.

They build a Facebook following, they build a podcast, they do all these things, and then they get stuck taking scraps from everybody else's table. A little podcast ad here, a little affiliate launch there. And they're always eating off everybody else's table and they never got their own table. So that's what, you can't do that online.

Don't go audience first. Go product first. You 

Jared: in all your stories so far, I would say I would classify that you have really niche down. Like when I think librarians, I'm like, man, that feels like a pretty small niche. Uh, when you say chickens in a backyard in a suburb, like that's a small niche. These are all stories of success though.

Um, how do you validate if it's too narrow of. Subject matter. Uh, and, and how do you kind of say, okay, this really is too narrow versus, no, I'm an expert in, um, you know, growing this plant or this flower in my backyard. Is that a niche or is that too niche down? I think that's something a lot of people do struggle 

Shane: with, right?

Yeah, man, it is. And here, I I would actually say we, we teach it like this. Like I, I was, I realized that I only made 2,500 bucks. As a school teacher in Southeast Kentucky, and my wife did so together, she made the same thing. So we made $5,000 a month. Okay? So we made 60 grand a year. That's about the median income of a household in America, right?

Maybe if you live in California, it's up in the seventies or whatever, eighties. But we looked at that and we said, you know, really, honestly, that's only a hundred people paying me $50 a month. That's it. You know, like I only need a hundred people to pay me $50 a month to make 60 grand a year, 200 to make 120 grand a year.

So any niche that you come up with, there's gonna be a hundred people that prefer your personality, that prefer your methods, that prefer your things. Um, you know, and we actually did the math. There's 86 something like 86,000 elementary schools that had librarians. Oh my gosh. See when we did that, you know, that's not a huge audience.

But dude, I only needed a hundred of. To change my life and my family's future Forever you. It is these numbers that we see. The problem is everybody follows these entrepreneurs with a billion dollars and like that's not how real life works. I don't need a billion dollars. I don't need a billion people. I need 200 people on the planet Earth outta 8 billion to make a hundred grand a year.

That's it. So no knits is really too small. It's funny you say about growing the plants. We've got a, oh gosh, I'm gonna butcher her name cause I haven't talked to her. Her name's Callie, I believe she teaches people how to raise succulence. That's it. See, that's it. A specific plant and she's got like a six figure business.

So like, it's like you don't need that many people out there in the planet Earth. And like not everyone's gonna like you. Like even when we sold the business, like Jocelyn was in over a thousand schools across the country, right When she sold her lesson plans, dude, that was still only like all what, 1%, 2% of the total market.

But dude, we were killing it. I mean, we were making tens of thousands of dollars a month. It just doesn't take that many people. Uh, to make a whole lot of money on the internet. And, and when I said, you're the product, your niche is important. The problem you solve is important. The idea is really important.

You need to get your idea right. Um, there's ways to research it too. We actually teach a little three step method, like, uh, basically you go look at Google search, uh, if there's Amazon books and then we actually look for competition competition's a really good thing. That means somebody's making money off your idea and you need to get in the market to get your piece of the pie, right?

But when you look at, when you start there, It's really you. It's really you. The vibe, the personality, the, the choices you make on colors of your website and stuff like that, that's gonna where your customers are gonna come to you because of that. You're the product on the internet now. That's how the way it works.

So yeah, you do succulents. Yeah, you do chickens. Yeah. You do history lesson plans. But yeah, you do flip lifestyle. There's a lot of people that teach people how to make money on the internet. People like us. Cause we say y'all a lot and we talk funny, right? I don't know, you know, it, it's, the personality is what's gonna help you stand out.

So I have not seen a niche that's too small to attack. You know, if you, if there's 14 people on the planet Earth, you might have a problem, but, There's probably not. If you like something somebody else does. That's just the 

Jared: way it is. Yeah, it's true. Our, our mindset is trained to think, um, more like billion dollar ideas or billion dollar markets, and we only need a hundred thousand dollars markets 

Shane: in so many ways.

What a terrible definition of success we give to people. You know, like I, I saw a guy on Twitter the other day. I won't name him, but like, you know, he was, uh, oh, I, I kinda got into an argument with him. It was like I was talking about how you only need a hundred people to make $50, make 60 grand a month. I was like, the guys, it's not that far away.

And this guy goes, that's not even a real success. Like if you're not, if you're not going after millions, why are your goals so low? And I'm like, dude, 99, 90% of people are making less than a hundred grand a year. Like a hundred thousand. Those people don't even know they're allowed to make a hundred thousand dollars a year.

90% of college degrees don't make a hundred grand a year. So like when you dude, a hundred Tim, making $8,333 a month would change a family's future. That's like an inheritance for your children's children. That's a college degree for your kids. I, I think, I think the entrepreneur culture we have, man, it just really skews what success is and steals the ability for people to define it for themselves because we get into this comparison syndrome all the time, man.

So, you know, first step, replace your income. Next step, get to six figures, see if you're comfortable. You know, look at the rich people, look at the billionaire, and go, I've got more than you'll ever have because I have enough. Mm-hmm. . And you'll find that you'll be a lot happier doing it that way. So let's go to that 

Jared: example.

Let, let's use, let's play the succulent example out a bit. I've got a couple succulents in my backyard right there. Um, I come up with the idea of a succulent. I, I determine this is my niche. I determine I'm passionate, I have experience. These are the things you were saying to check off the list. Um, in terms of product, how do I think through whether I make a course?

Is it a a downloadable course or is it a video course or do I do a monthly membership? Or how do I kind of weigh these things out and 

Shane: figure out what the right approach is? We actually, we actually have a little, we actually have a. Process that we take people through and we kind of base your first product on your personality type.

Right? Really like we know these, yeah. Because we know these like Myers Briggs kind of tests and things like that. And you know, like everybody today even re you know, we kind of, you know, relate to a certain category of people like my wife. Jocelyn. Um, she's not shy by any stretch of the imagination. Right.

But she is an introvert. Like she draws energy, uh, from being alone. Like, and, and here's how, you know, if you're an introvert, if somebody rings your doorbell, do you jump behind the couch and hide? So they'll go away. You're an introvert. Okay. But like you're trying to get your energy back. You know, I'm an an la last week in front of 9,000 people.

I was high as a kite. I needed, I needed to go to the coffee shop today just to not crash, you know? Cause I needed more people around me. So I'm an extrovert. So what we find is that there's kind of categories for that stuff too. Like Jocelyn created course like products. It was PDFs, videos, things that you would consume, you would hit play with, and it that allowed her to not have to, she interacted through customer service and support, but she didn't have to be with the people.

Right. So, and she saw 

Jared: the podcast, but she could control 

Shane: that a little more. And yeah, it was a, it was a solo podcast. She didn't have to be around people. Mm-hmm. Right. So it didn't drain her energy. So she actually leaned into that in the beginning. But here's what's funny. We always find that it develops, kind of, you add the other things anyway.

You know, like I really love, uh, podcasts like this where I get to interact with a human. You know, I don't like solo podcasts at all. I do 'em sometimes, but I like, I like to talk to people. Like my podcast, I on flip lifestyle, I talk to people. Okay. And like, so that for me is really energizing. So we've found that when people who.

Like energetic, stuff like that, like to be around a lot of people. You can start a nice membership community around some stuff. Okay. Whatever you're doing. Um, in the middle we have what we, you know, ambiverts the people who are like, some days I feel like people some days know, right. There's people out there listening right now going, yeah, that's me.

Like, like those are great. That's a great a space for coaching because you can do one-on-one coaching, you can do group coaching. You can kind of not have the huge community, but you can not be alone making courses. So I actually tell people to start in one of those areas, kind of where they feel it's usually a good place, cuz it energy is the entrepreneur game.

Can you keep your energy high? Can you keep your enthusiasm? Mm-hmm. , can you get over the dark night when things aren't working because you. In your system. So energy is kind of the life of, of the entrepreneur. So we, we try to steer people toward that first, but the ultimate goal is to create passive and multiple streams of income.

Like we right now in almost all of our businesses have a course element, a community element, and coaching elements, because we know that that. Creates a lot more opportunity in the long run. Coaching is more high ticket. Monthly memberships are great for recurring revenue, so there's ways that you can, you're eventually gonna get there, but pick the first one, it doesn't matter.

I know millionaires that sell courses. I know millionaires that sell co coaching. I know millionaires that sell communities. So it's basically what's gonna give you the most energy and keep you from giving up. Uh, in the beginning. That's probably where you should start when 


Jared: you, you, you mentioned the word community a couple times there.

Um, I mean, I would say. The vast majority of people listening right now don't have a podcast, uh, don't have community to their, attached to their project. Um, some I hear probably doing maybe a Facebook group, uh, you know, things like that. What types of community are you seeing as really successful, and how do people go about starting these communities, um, at the, 

Shane: at the outset?

So any niche, this is every niche that there could ever be. Here's what here, if I could sum. Everything I've learned about humans in the marketplace, this is what I would sum. Sum up everyone is one question away from giving you money. People are looking for answers. That's why they buy your products. You buy a Q-tip cuz your ears are dirty.

You buy a toothbrush to brush your teeth, you buy a car because you can't get somewhere. You buy a course because you need to learn something. You buy coaching because you need a mentor. You buy a community because you're alone. Right? We're all looking for these answers and when we build, when we say build a community, we don't mean start a Facebook group.

I mean a paid community where people give you money to participate. Mm-hmm. . And what we're doing in the community almost every day, like for our team, for everything we've ever had, is even elementary Uh, coach my football coaching website, it was a place where people could come daily to ask questions and get answers.

Now, sometimes it's just they want, you want, sometimes you may not have a question, you just wanna go hang out with other people who are asking questions and getting answers. Okay, there's our lurkers in our communities, right? Or they just, people gotta figured out. But they enjoy that comradery. They see that help and support, and they see that going on.

So when we build a community, we're building a paid community, period. Where you can go in like maybe you pay 49 bucks a month to be a part of this community. And you know, there's a space of like-minded people willing to ask Eric great questions and help you find answers to questions, right? It's not just a coach in there answering all the questions.

It's a community of people that are talking about it. So an elementary librarian might come in the community that Jocelyn created and say, Hey guys, I'm having a really big problem teaching information literacy and research to my. What are you guys doing? Boom. To get five or six people jump in and answer these questions.

Everybody gets to learn. Everyone's not alone. Like librarians are alone in their school. They got nobody to ask questions to cuz they're the only librarian. So if you can create space that is safe for them to ask questions and get answers, that, that's it. Same thing with chickens. Hey, my chickens keep dying.

I think I'm feeding them something wrong. What do you think? Dang, dang, dang. So you have humans. Asking questions and answering questions. And when you create that community dynamic, it's just powerful. And the commu community's five people. It doesn't have to be 500 people. We've got members, uh, we have students that have 10,000 members in their community.

We got students with 10 people paying 'em a hundred bucks a month. That's a thousand bucks a month, and they're not alone. And what we find is if you can create a place where people can, one, get answers and ask questions safe. Two where they have friends, people will not stop paying for answers and friends.

So that's what we're trying to do with this community, is just create and, and that's gonna support a course that's gonna like your coaching clients. If you've got 10 coaching clients, introduce them and put them in some kind of forum where they can talk to each other, because that's gonna keep them more affinity for you and your business and your brand.

So that's what we're talking about communities is that safe space where people can do those. 

Jared: So you help people out at Flipped Lifestyle. Tell us a bit more about what that looks like, uh, where people can go to learn more. Um, obviously, so we know you're helping people, but I, I like what's the context, what's the framework?

What's the, uh, what's the, what's, what's the way, how, how are you doing it, I guess? 

Shane: Sure. So, you know, first off, our flagship everything is the Flip Lifestyle podcast. I mean, if you like podcasts, you like online, Check out our podcast. It comes out every Tuesday. It's a little bit different format. Um, we do have guests and experts on from time to time, but you know, in the beginning we were always trying to flip everything upside down and uh, you know, and I told Jocelyn one day, I was like, you know what we do really is.

Is we help people find answers to their questions. So why don't we do that on the podcast? So basically our podcast is, we teach things about online business, but usually it's in the context of one of our members comes on and I coach them like live on the air or one of our, I have other coaches. Uh, our community manager, Lynn, uh, Steven, we get on there and we help people find answers to their questions on the podcast.

And the flip lifestyle experience. Um, the flip lifestyle membership that we have is that thing. We have thousands of people from all over the world. We're in this membership community. Um, I teach all over the country in live events, and we take recordings of our live events and we've laid it out. Into basically a blueprint that you can follow to find your idea, start building, growing online business.

And we have this huge community forum, this huge community mastermind area where people connect and talk to each other. Um, but we also have like 12 live Zoom calls a week. Dude, it's insane. We have like three a day where people can get on Zoom and hang out with each other because again, This stuff is hard when you're alone, right?

Sometimes my me just seeing your face today, Jared is bringing Warmths to my soul. You know what I'm saying? Just hanging out with somebody, right? Because I've been in my office all day, I've been working all day. I'm like, oh, I get to hang out with Jared today. And, uh, so we create those dynamics, um, inside what we call the flip lifestyle experience.

How we teach now, um, we, the pro, the path that we lay out is the same path that me and Jocelyn use for all of our businesses. Um, it's the same thing we did for elementary librarian, for Coach xo, for US history teachers, for flipped lifestyle for my homeschool site. Like it's the process that we use to build our businesses.

It's based on that consistent, prolific, relentless product first framework. Um, and we just guide people through it. Man, I think the most important thing that we. As we help people really nail down their niche, their idea, like that's, that's probably where we have to start because you've gotta figure out your God-given gifts that you can bring to the marketplace, the problems that you can solve.

Mm-hmm. first. And uh, we also wanna research that a little bit so you're not just throwing it out in the dark. So that's what we do at Flip Livestock Man, is we help people find that idea and then we start building it brick by brick on top of that foundation. 

Jared: Well, we'll include a link to your website.

Yeah. Show notes. I just, while you're talking, I, I popped over and, uh, I'm your most recent subscriber to your podcast, so I'll have to check a couple episodes out. 

Shane: And, uh, if everybody listening, if you go to flip pursuits. Mm-hmm. . Okay. Um, I will actually take out of our product. I've got a whole course.

I have two courses. One is on finding your God-given gifts and ideas, finding your. The second one is on researching that so that you can figure out if they can make money online. It's like an idea training kind of deal. And um, I will put that at pursuits. Everybody can go there. It's like an hour and a half training.

You can go watch it, you can sit there, you can work through it and, uh, maybe we'll even put an email on there or something if anybody's got any questions, if they can ask, so we 

Jared: can help. Awesome. Oh good. Well, we'll get that into show notes as well. 

Shane: Yeah, man, just pop that out of the membership so everybody can.

Woo. That hour flew by. 

Jared: I, um, I would ask you if one of your side hustles is a lawnmower business, but you said you wanted to keep those private, so I wanna ask that. 

Shane: I keep those under control, 

Jared: right? Gotta keep those. Yeah. Gotta keep those to yourself. I, I, I've gotta imagine that's a lawnmower business somewhere in, in there for you, uh, in the future, but hey, you heard it here first.

All right. So, that's right. 

Shane: I don't, I don't think flip your lawnmower would be a good business though. We better be careful. You're right. Someone might get, someone might get hurt on 

Jared: that. We might have problems there. Um, no. All joking aside, Shane, thanks man, for bringing such great energy and so many great ideas.

And, and again, in summary, like at least for, for a lot of the things we talk about here in this podcast, which are very effective by the way, uh, you've at least given everyone a lot to think about and to consider. Um, as like you said there, people go from zero to 11 cents and try to carve out their niche.

These have just been some really clear cut paths and stories that you. Around a process. So it's, um, it, it was a really great interview. Thank you so much for coming 

Shane: on board. I appreciate it too, dude. It, it was kind of a full circle moment, uh, thinking about that holler where I heard niche pursuits, making that first 11 cents, and I'm like, all right, now I've got it.

I've been on niche. I'm good to go. So , check that box. There you 

Jared: go. That's awesome. All right, Shane, until we speak again, thanks so much. Introducing niche Are you looking to scale your niche site portfolio or build your first website? Look no further than niche With a portfolio of successful websites and over 700 plus satisfied clients.

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You get 5,000 words of content completely free with your order of 10,000 plus traffic. Don't miss this opportunity. Head on over to niche and take advantage of this amazing trial offer. Again, it's niche sites, plural. Niche Go claim your free content today. I wanted to let you know that today's episode is sponsored by Search Intelligence.

Here's a short clip of Ferry from Search Intelligence showing you how their agency built digital PR links to a client's website. 

Shane: What a crazy campaign. How to Sleep on Your Back. This campaign got us links in Huffington Post Glamor Magazine. Mirror and lots of other great news publications. Let me show you how we've done it.

It was so simple. Our sleep client provided us with expert commentary about how to train yourself to fall asleep on your back. They also gave advice on why it's best to sleep on your back. Once we've had this information, we went to MACRA and searched for journalists that consistently write about sleep and wellbeing.

We've sent these journalists, the advice provided by the client and within one. The links started flowing in Glamor Magazine, a D r 81 website. Picked it up. Huffington Boast, Dr. R 88 Mira UK, D R 90, A massive avalanche of links blasted to our client's website with this simple yet effective campaign about how to sleep on your back.

I hope this inspires, and I hope you'll use this technique to land massive links to your or your client's. 

Jared: If you want similar link building PR campaigns for your website, head to search and get in touch with them 

Shane: now.

The post How Shane Sams Became a Millionaire By Reversing The Usual Approach To Bootstrapping An Online Business appeared first on Niche Pursuits.

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