95 Blog Topic Ideas That Your Audience Will Love

blog topic ideas.

Are you stumped for blog topic ideas?

It can be a challenging part of launching a new blog. And even seasoned professionals will hit a content creation wall at times.

Well, this article has you covered because you'll find an epic list of 95 blog post ideas you can write about.

The best part?

It doesn't matter where you are in your blogging journey. Adding any of these to your blog will open your mind to new possibilities.

Let's dive in.

Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block with These 95 Blog Topic Ideas

Need a spark of inspiration for your next blog post? Here are 95 blog topic ideas that will keep you busy.

1. Your goals and progress report

Blog topic ideas

Revisit the goals you set yourself in the past month, quarter, or year, and break down your progress.

Did you achieve them all?

If not, what did you learn, and what changes will you make moving forward?

Also, share your wins in the post to help inspire people to keep reaching for success.

2. The year ahead

Counter to the previous blog idea is to share your goals for the year ahead.

Instead of keeping them to yourself and your to-do list, announce them for the world to see. It’s a great way to hold yourself accountable.

It will stretch your comfort zone and motivate you to push forward when you get in your own way.

It will also motivate your audience to do the same.

3. What’s your mission statement?

Write a mission statement post either for yourself or your business. It’s a great way to bond with your audience, especially when they agree with you.

A mission statement will normally comprise what your company does, how it does it, and why – Or in reverse order if you follow the advice of Simon Sinek:

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe”

Simon Sinek

4. What are you currently learning?

Learning something new? Share what you're currently learning and why, whether it’s a book, a class, or a Udemy course.

Double points if it has anything to do with your industry because it shows your audience you’re dedicated and that you mean business.

5. Which book has had the biggest impact on your life?

Do you have an all-time favorite book that hugely impacted your life?

Why not write about the biggest lessons you took from it? One of my favorites is The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.

Book lovers love book suggestions, and you might even get some SEO traffic if you optimize the post well.

6. What is one piece of advice that you’ll always remember?

We learn stuff every day, even if we aren’t aware of it.

But every so often, we hear something that stays with us and shakes us to our core (in a good way, of course).

You could title your post with the lesson you learned and share a story about how it changed you for the better.

7. A day in the life of yours truly

If you’re the ambitious type with a busy schedule, write a post that takes your readers behind the scenes of your daily routine.

We all love to peek into how successful people take charge of their day. Share yours, and it might even spark some new motivation.

8. Quotes in your niche

Just about every topic under the sun has famous quotes you can talk about.

Health, wealth, relationships, sports, performance, technology, you name it.

So no matter what your industry is, do a Google search for a quote about “your blog niche” and curate a post of your favorites.

9. Interview someone in your niche

Want to pick the brains of an influencer in your niche? Why not reach out to them and ask if you can interview them?

Who knows, this could be the start of something new, like the start of your own podcast or YouTube interview series.

10. Write a piece on influential people in your niche

Influential people are influential for a reason. And when you talk about them, you align yourself with what they stand for, which makes you look good.

Besides piggybacking off the success of industry leaders, it can also bring in a decent amount of traffic.

Either through SEO or when you share it on social media. Give it a try.

11. What is your vision for the future

Like the mission statement post, this one outlines your company's long-term goals.

Usually 1 – 2 sentences, it distills your goals and ambitions for the future that help you focus on what’s important today.

12. Talk about your values and what matters to you the most

No matter who you are, values are essential.

If you have a burning desire to achieve something significant, improve yourself or raise a family, knowing what’s most important to you will strengthen your integrity and drive you forward.

Sharing that in a blog post is next-level commitment.

13. Controversial topics in your industry

There’s controversy everywhere, and no industry is spared.

Why not publish a polarizing piece of content detailing a controversial topic in your field of expertise?

Some people will love it and others may hate it, but as the saying goes, all publicity is good publicity.

14. Industry news

There’s always something new and interesting going on in the world, including your niche.

If it goes down well, this blog post idea could be a regular thing. All you need to do is curate a post with the most recent and hottest news and updates.

To find the most recent topics to include, do a Google search for your industry and click on the News tab.

15. Review your favorite products

Do you own a collection of products you use every day?

Tell your audience about them by either creating a list post summarizing each one or a detailed review post.

You could even add affiliate links to earn some commission when people make a purchase.

16. What does your diet look like

If you’re in the health and wellness or fitness niche, your diet will probably be something to brag about.

Sharing an article describing your weekly meal plan will be well received by your healthy followers.

17. How to cook your favorite meal

If you have a favorite meal and know how to cook with your eyes closed, you surely need to tell everyone about it.

It’s the meal you make for your entire family or when you have friends over.

Posting the recipe and your unique method could be the beginning of a new career; and or cookbook deal.

18. Tech you couldn’t live without

We all have our favorite gadgets and gizmos, and your blog readers ought to be educated about them, right?

This could be a collection of random tech you use daily or from a specific category, your niche will love.

Write up a small blurb about why it’s a must and link to where they can get their own.

19. List your favorite podcasts

Lists of the best podcasts are an excellent addition to your blog, especially niche-specific ones.

If you're in the finance space, make a list of the best personal finance podcasts people should know about.

There are podcasts in every category, so whatever your industry, replace the above with your own.

20. List your favorite YouTube channels

Like the blog post idea for the best podcasts, this one is for your recommended YouTube channels.

We all like learning in different ways, so adding lists of various media channels will keep your audience happy.

21. Share your favorite success stories

Have you heard any recent success stories that got you fired up?

Why not share them in a blog post to inspire your tribe?

We all want to be successful, and success stories are a great way to keep your readers motivated toward their goals and dreams.

22. Summarize a book in your niche

Is there a book in your field that’s required reading?

For instance, in the online business space, it’s The Four Hour Work Week, and in the self-help niche it’s How to Win Friends & Influence People.

The books that have sold millions of copies and exist on almost every “best book” list.

Find the one in your niche, read it, and summarize it in a blog post.

If you optimize the post well for SEO, you could see a decent amount of search traffic pour in.

23. What are your favorite self-help books

Share a list of the books that have shaped you, inspired you, and changed your life.

Even a small summary of each can be valuable for your readers because everyone’s perspective is different.

The way you interpret a book can be the motivation someone else needs to read it themselves.

24. What are the top 3 books everyone in your industry should read

Are there specific books that people in your industry need to know about?

Be the advocate for spreading the wisdom and teachings of these books and inspire others to do the same.

25. Name your top 3 movies that influenced you the most and why

Movies aren’t just entertaining, they’re educational and influential.

Sharing the movies that have impacted your life will help your audience understand you better.

And it might help you expand your audience of like-minded people.

26. Travel experiences

blog topic ideas

If you’ve spent any time traveling, you will certainly have some stories to tell.

People love reading about luxury locations around the world, and if you’ve experienced it firsthand, it will inspire them to go themselves.

Who knows? It could be the start of your own travel blog.

27. Times you failed and lessons you learned

Success is great. But we almost always need to fail along the way.

What have been the biggest lessons you’ve learned from failing?

Writing about the tough times is also a great rapport builder and will grow trust with your audience.

28. Your biggest success

What has been your biggest success to date?

It doesn’t have to be a post titled “How I Made $4.2 Million in 12 Months” either.

Little wins still count and can be just as inspiring. For example, there was a time when I couldn’t even get out of bed in the morning.

Now I get to grow my business as a content creator and work remotely as a freelance writer.

To me, it’s a huge success!

29. List your favorite recipes

Sharing recipes is always a great topic, even if you’re not in the food, health, or wellness niche.

It will help people get to know you on a personal level, and again, if you optimize your post well, it could bring in some extra SEO traffic.

And maybe it could be the start of a new food blog?

30. Answer commonly asked questions

All business owners seem to get asked the same questions repeatedly.

So why not create a frequently asked questions page on your site?

Then, you could tell people to check it out to have their burning questions answered.

31. Mobile apps you use

blog topic ideas

Whether you’re a technology nerd or not, some mobile apps make our lives much easier.

Posting an article about the apps you use in your personal and business life is a great addition to any blog.

32. The most controversial thing you believe

Many people shy away from controversial topics, but it can have its benefits.

You'll gain something from everyone when you share your true feelings about something, even if it polarizes the masses.


Everyone has controversial opinions and beliefs, but the people who speak their truth gain the most respect.

Just try not to overdo it.

33. How your business got started

How a business starts out will almost always be an interesting story. And people love stories.

Share how you got into business and what led you to do what you do. Your audience will be inspired and feel more connected through your transparency.

34. Your best marketing advice

Know a content marketing hack that’s working well in your business?

Write a post detailing what you did and the results you got. Other businesses in your niche will thank you for it.

And don’t worry about the competition beating you at your own game. Many customers are out there looking for your specific unique product or service.

35. My office setup

I’m always excited to see the workspace of high-tech offices – especially those which optimize for flow and efficiency.

If you’re proud of your office, take some photos and share your setup in a blog post.

Don’t forget to affiliate link those products. Every post you create is an asset that provides value for your readers, so you should be rewarded for your efforts.

36. Where you see yourself in 5, 10, and 20 years

Doing this will benefit your readers and yourself. That’s because it will stretch your imagination to think bigger.

If you only know where you want to be several months from now, you’ll only take small steps to get there.

But when you define where you want to be 5, 10, and 20 years from now, it forces you to think differently about what you must do today to get there.

37. Analyze a successful business that inspires you

Most entrepreneurs have a business person they look up to.

But which specific business inspires you most and why?

Write a post that analyzes what makes this business so prestigious in your eyes, detailing their successes and innovations.

38. Why small businesses in “your industry” struggle

Notice a trend with businesses in your field that prevents them from succeeding?

Share your insights and help your niche expand their mind into new ways of doing things.

You’ll be seen as a visionary in your industry, and your audience will commend you for your transparency.

39. How small businesses in “your industry” succeed

Do you know the key to success in your industry?

Have you spent a considerable amount of time analyzing other industry leaders and see a pattern they all share?

Create a post about your findings or even what you plan to do differently to reach success in new ways.

40. Epic getaway locations in your home country

They say the grass is always greener on the other side, but there must be interesting locations in your home city, state, or country.

If you’ve been to some noteworthy places close to home, write about it in a new blog post.

Bonus points if you took photos.

41. Productivity hacks your niche should know about

Do you have a productivity hack too good to keep to yourself?

No matter who your audience is, they will surely appreciate some time management tips.

This blog post idea could cover your to-do writing process, your unique Pomodoro technique, or which productivity apps you use.

42. Talk about the most appealing characteristics when hiring people

Have you hired staff or a VA before?

Why not share your experience and the characteristics you look out for?

Maybe you got advice, read a book, or took a course on the topic to help you choose the right candidate.

Either way, hiring people is a sought-after skill that’s a worthy topic to blog about.

43. Dedicate an entire post about your pet or favorite animal

blog topic ideas

Pet blogging is an entire niche in itself, so writing about your own might not seem so strange.

You can tell some funny stories if you have any, talk about their particular breed, and share some photos.

If you don’t have a pet, why not create a post talking about your favorite animal? You might start up a conversation with others who share the same love for animals.

44. List websites you couldn’t live without

There are millions of websites out there, but we tend to have a few we just can’t live without.

You could share the top websites you use daily or weekly and where the obsession comes from.

45. What are your favorite shows on Netflix and why

Online streaming services have become the new normal in recent years, giving people more viewing options than ever before.

This makes choosing something on Netflix somewhat challenging.

If you’ve watched an embarrassing amount of Netflix shows, do your readers a favor, and make some recommendations.

They will appreciate your suggestions.

46. Talk about a conspiracy theory you believe in (If you’re brave enough)

Conspiracy theories are one of those topics that you either dive in head first or completely shy away from.

Either way, sharing your thoughts on one that you believe is true is sure to pique the interest of some tin foil hatters.

47. What internet TV streaming show are you currently watching

Are you watching a new show on a TV streaming service that shows some promise?

Or are you in between seasons and need to share your excitement?

If the show is a hit or it’s a trending topic, your post could get some decent traffic from Google Discover, social media, or SEO.

48. The most important skills to learn to improve relationships

If you’re a master of communication and always seem to give dating or relationship advice, turn your knowledge into a blog post.

The masses will welcome this popular topic if you know what you’re talking about.

Failing that, you could post about the best skill to learn to make money instead if that’s your thing?

49. Explain how anyone can achieve anything they desire

Do you believe anyone can achieve anything they desire if they just put their mind to it?

This rare way of thinking can make for an inspiring piece of content your audience will love.

50. Who in your life has been the biggest influence

This blog post idea could be the story of how a parent, uncle, neighbor, professor, friend, or stranger completely changed the course of your life.

Whoever your biggest influence has been, dedicate this post to them and how they had so much impact.

51. Who do you aspire to be like the most

We all have someone we look up to the most.

Whether it be a relative, famous business tycoon, or prestigious philosopher, sharing who you aspire to be like can be

52. Talk about the benefits of therapy

If you’re comfortable, write your positive experiences with therapy and how it’s made a difference in your life.

It could influence your readers to seek therapy themselves.

53. Talk about the setbacks of therapy

Sharing the negatives and the positives can help manage a person’s expectations.

And that could be extremely insightful surrounding this particular topic.

54. Explain why you think hiring a business or mindset coach is essential

Life and business coaching can be a transformative experience.

And if you’ve reaped the rewards, your opinion matters.

So create a blog post sharing why you hired a coach, things you were struggling with, and what you gained from your experience.

55. What is the scariest decision you’ve ever made

Most of us have to make decisions that scare us from time to time, especially if you’re the ambitious type.

So writing about it can shed some light for others on the fence and be a reflective and proactive themself.

56. What are your top clutter free secrets

Have any decluttering skills worth sharing?

Life can certainly get a little messy and unorganized.

So if you’ve mastered your mess and maintain a well-kept workspace, it’s probably worth bragging about.

57. Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world

Ever dream of living abroad as an ex-pat or digital nomad? Or maybe you’re already living in your dream location.

In either case, many people dream of selling everything they own and starting a new life on the other side of the world.

If this sounds like you, where is your other side of the world you would love to call home? People love this type of content.

58. How would you spend your time (or life) if nothing was stopping you

This could be a great blog post idea to expand the minds of your readers and your own.

We could all achieve so much more if we let go of the limitations that hold us back.

Paint a picture of the life you would live or how you would spend your time if nothing was stopping you.

59. The pros and cons of the fashion industry

Are you for or against the fashion industry?

In this blog post topic, share your thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages and the things you would change if you could.

60. How to live minimally

blog post ideas

Have any tips on living a minimal life?

You could share the benefits of being a minimalist and what motivated you to live with less.

And don’t forget to take pictures.

61. What is one thing you would change about the world (If you had the power)

It doesn’t have to be revolutionary, only something you think would make some positive change.

And if you feel you’re doing your part, share what you’re doing, and you might even start a movement that makes an impact.

62. Compare two products and choose your favorite

Apples or oranges, Apple or Android?

Do you have an affinity for a particular brand over another and know that your reasons are valid?

Create a comparison post and explain why you believe your chosen product is the best.

63. Make a list of the top activities that get you in a good mood

Whether it’s a sport, a creative project, or spending time with friends, share the things that bring joy to your day.

64. The work/life balance post

We all need tips on how to balance work, life, and relationships.

So even if you manage this on a small scale, we will all appreciate the insights.

65. Share your fitness routine

Document the details of your fitness routine with pictures.

You could also link to the equipment you use to motivate your readers to get involved.

66. What are your hobbies? How did you get started in them?

Do you have a few hobbies that you absolutely love?

There are entire blogs dedicated to hobbies and things you can do in your spare time.

Share the hobbies you partake in, and you might even find some hobby partners in your local area.

67. Summarize a Tweetstorm from Twitter

A Tweetstorm is like a long-form piece of content on Twitter.

These posts can get a lot of attention and often go viral. You can find popular Tweetstorms by searching for your niche keyword + and the word thread.

Then find a thread you like and summarize it with your thoughts in a post.

68. Tell a story about one of your Instagram posts

Have an Instagram post that’s gained some traction?

Tell the story behind the post, including where it was taken, who’s in the photo, and why think the gram has taken interest.

69. Repurpose a Facebook post

Turn one of your Facebook posts (or someone else’s) into a blog post.

If you have a Facebook post that has done particularly well, then use the content from that one.

Also, link to the post you’re repurposing to give a bit of context.

70. Breakdown and explain a YouTube video

Have a favorite YouTube video you want to dissect and analyze?

Like an informative lecture or interview that blew your mind?

Whatever it is, you can take notes and turn it into an article for others to gain some insights.

71. Review a list of your favorite online shopping brands

Honestly, my list of shopping brands consists of only one that starts with the letter A and shares its name with a South American rainforest.

However, if you’re an avid online shopper with a selection of favorite brands, this could make for a great addition to your blog.

72. How do you feel about turning 20, 30, 40, 50?

What’s your next milestone age? Are you looking forward to it or wishing it further away?

Share your thoughts in a post about this big milestone and whether or not age bothers you.

73. Talk about the most impactful habits you’ve developed

Healthy habits are essential when achieving anything significant – my own centers around daily writing and fitness.

Whatever your goals might be, if you’ve developed habits around them, share them in a post and how you stick to them every day.

74. Share tips on how to improve writing

This blog post idea is about sharing the writing skills you have gained from running a successful blog.

If you’re just starting, create a post with writing tips you are currently learning and you can add more as you develop this skill.

75. Start and announce a 30-day challenge and blog about it daily

A 30-day challenge can really get you out of your comfort zone and completely shift your perspective about yourself.

Some specifics could be posting a YouTube video or podcast episode, meditating, changing your diet, or 30 days of exercise.

Then post an article every day to keep people updated.

76. What’s your biggest regret?

They say we shouldn’t regret anything, but making mistakes is how life pans out sometimes.

If you’re brave enough, share a regret or mistake you made in the past and how you made amends or let it go.

77. Teach people something you know exceptionally well

Create an ultimate guide that teaches everything you know about one topic.

It could expand your blog into other categories.

78. Reveal your blog stats like traffic and income

If you have a successful blog with lots of traffic, create a post that breaks down your numbers.

This could be your Google Analytics stats, Search Console data, and maybe even your income and expenses.

79. Create a niche-specific infographic

Find a viral piece of content in your niche and turn it into an infographic. Share it on your blog and link to the original source.

80. Share something painful from your past and how you overcame it

If you’re an open book or wear your heart on your sleeve, this blog topic type will be for you.

You could share something challenging from your past and how you overcame it.

81. Teach people how to start a blog

You’ve started a blog, and you’re adding some of these blog topic ideas. Why not pass on what you’re learning?

Even if you’re just starting, you could share your blogging plans and how you aim to achieve success.

82. Teach people how to overcome writer’s block

Do words just flow onto the page when you sit down to write?

Writers block can be a huge struggle for some people, so a piece of content with your best creativity hacks will be a valuable addition.

83. Write about something random

Use a tool like Portents Content Idea Generator, Exploding Topics, or Google Trends to find a random topic to write about.

You might end up finding a whole new interest you fall in love with.

84. The 5 people you would like to be trapped on a desert island with

Ever played this game?

You imagine you’re stranded on a deserted island, like the TV show Lost, and think of 5 famous people, dead or alive, with whom you’d want to share that time.

I’m not too bothered about the rest as long as Bear Grylls is there.

85. The pros and cons of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship sure has its benefits and its pitfalls.

Write a post talking about what you love and hate about being an entrepreneur.

86. Your successful book idea

Have a book idea you’d love to write?

Why not kick it off by sharing a rough concept of the idea?

You might even get some insightful feedback that could contribute to the success of your published book.

87. The ultimate list of resources in your niche

If your niche had a collection of must-have resources, gadgets, and teachings, what would they be?

Write an exhaustive list of resources all beginners in your field should know about.

88. Your thoughts on Cryptocurrency

Write a post on your thoughts about cryptocurrency, whether you’re getting involved or leaving to the professionals.

89. Eating organic on a tight budget

Share some tips on how you would eat an organic diet affordably.

90. How to train for a marathon

Ever run a marathon or are you planning one in the near future?

This post could share how you would train for one or how you already successfully finished one.

91. How to calm your mind in a busy world

Share some wisdom for clearing and calming your own mind in a rushed world.

92. How to live frugally in a big city

Do you live in a big city and manage to keep to a tight shopping budget?

Write a post sharing exactly how you do it, the sort of things you buy, and places you shop.

93. How to strengthen your mindset

The ability to change and grow our mindset can often escape the best of us.

If you’ve got any wise words about mindset, share your ideas in the topic idea.

94. Your best photography tips

Are you one of those people who capture epic scenery without really trying?

Share your photo-taking skills with some of your favorite shots in this post.

95. Your best money management tips

Your audience will be grateful for the pointers if you’ve got a handle on your finances.

Create a post on how you manage your money effectively.

Blog Topic Ideas Conclusion

There you have it. Hopefully, these blog topic ideas will keep you going for a while.

Even looking through these blog post ideas can give you a sense of how to come up with your own.

Pick a few that stand out to you and publish one every week. New content ideas will soon come to you the more often you write.

The post 95 Blog Topic Ideas That Your Audience Will Love appeared first on Niche Pursuits.